The Vicious Fog...

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It had been one week.

One week since I joined this guild. For one last week i and some other newbies had a near death experience.

We had a tight schedule of seven days of hardcore training.

Running, jogging, weightlifting, stretching, fight practice, mountain climbing without mountains and much much more.

Interesting fact I learned in this week:
My hammer has a name.
'Vulcan' and at my peak potential I can produce 4.2 magnitude of earthquake by hitting it on the ground.

Now that our training week was completed the guild master considered us newbies atleast half prepared of this quest.

"Are you guys ready?" Jerry asked,

"Yes" we replied in a unison

"I couldn't hear you" the master said,

"Yes sir!!" We shouted,
I had this bad feeling that I was a soldier.

"Okay so here are your roles for this mission" the guild master told us
"Tasha- you are the most experienced amongst the rookies and are strong willed so you'll be the leader
Crowd has spoken on this matter already

Toby- you are smart, your power is knowledge you'll be the brain of this idiotic bunch, you'll be the strategist.

Isoko you are quick on your feet and calm you'll be the lookout.
You also have have those blades as your weapons

Ace your hammer packs the most punch and you are super abrupt you shall be the combatant (if you'll need to fight that is)

Jerry you are the most wise and experienced guild member you are their guardian if they screw up you take over.

Now go forth my adventurers my wishes are with you."

"Well that was quiet a pep talk" I thought,

As we walked out of the guild I was feeling kinda proud,

"This is going to be great"
I thought,

Everybody was super pumped up,

This was going to be a great adventure.

"Wait, how long is adet town anyways?" Tasha asked,

"The map says five miles" Toby replied,

"Five freakin miles!!!" Tasha replied

"Great! Because the horses are" Jerry replied as we entered the stable

"Hush" Isoko sighed,

Everyone looke md happy again.
Except for..

The grumpy horses

"Heehaw" Jerry sighed as we began our journey in the horse cart.

We spent the next half hour pretty peacefully Inside the horse cart.

Until Jerry stopped the cart abruptly and we were flipped to front of the cart.

"What was that" I asked,

He looked at the sky

"Looks like it's going to rain" he replied,

"We should stop" said Tasha,
"This is getting dangerous"

"We were sent here BECAUSE this was dangerous" Jerry retorted
"Time is of the utmost importance to us"

"Are you thinking of a shorter route??" I asked intruiged by his expressions

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