The step sibling.....

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A man ran, panting like crazy, inside the mansion, stumbling over the carpet and than regaining balance. Drenched in sweat he ran and ran, as if chasing a squirrel or simply marathoning to Mars. His knackered feet howbeit halted by the door of the throne room, which he shoved open whislt panting heavily. Inside were the royals, the queen's father, her brother and Chirag and Co. It was obvious for the heads to turn towards the door after it's bursting. Thence they saw the panting figure of the mansion's manager cum spy.
"What did you get your hands on!!! " asked the King with authority while his queen clinged to her father. The manager huffed as he trudged inside.
"Um My Lord, Menka Vashisht, I mean ex Vashitsht. She married the influential and wealthy Mahesh Saberwal, but after three years of their illicit marriage, his business collapsed and she left him for another wealthy man. Saberwal died due to excessive alcohol abuse, they assert that he was shattered in the guilt of abandoning his wife and child for well a harlot. Howbeit there's a twist here, so five years back Menka was thrown into prostitution by someone who I'll tell you a bit later. People say that her life turned miserable and she was shattered from inside after forced into prostitution. You know how a life of a prostitute is, right. The brothel she was in, the prostitutes there say that she used to remorsefullay remember her previous lovely family which she abandoned and used to sob guiltily over that, day and night. And three years back, that means after two years of despair and misery, she was shot dead and her dead body was thrown into the Arabian Sea, without cremating. " said he as he gasped for air. The Vashishts were dumbfounded and so were the Ahlawats.
"Who was the one who hated her more than us!!!! " the queen's father said dumbfounded while nandini just stood silent, after all she was her mother and although she hates her but couldn't forget that nohow.
"Exactly whose hatred was bigger than us!!!! She was a witch no doubt, but who would go to this extreme like throwing her into prostitution. I mean she deserved it but still!!!! " said Naksh gawping at the man who broke the news. The man huffed and looked at him.
"Um actually it's Rudrakshi Bajpayee.!!! " he revealed but a bit scared. Now it were the royals who gawp at him in shock and perplexity. Samrat had his mouth agape when he heard him take her name.
"Rudra......Rudrakshi......seriously!!!! She killed her!!! " asked samrat still shocked and dumbfounded. The man nodded.
"Yes Lord, Rudrakshi was the daughter of Saberwal's first wife. She took the revenge of her mother!!! " he apprise her and samrat could only gawp for he was way very acquainted with the girl he mentioned and to say explicitly, he wasn't a huge fan of hers.
"I want to meet her!!!" nandini whispered softly as tears brimmed in her eyes. Samrat gaped at her in shock, perhaps she didn't knew who she was fancieng to meet with. But he will enlighten her for sure.
"Jannu, you don't who she is!!!! She is the biggest arms maker and exporter. Has her own ammunition!!!! Supplies arms and guns to the mafias all around the world. Trust me baby doll, that girl is a monster!!!! " he apprise her still agape but she wasn't going to apprehend so soon. She sniffled and her father consoled his lovely daughter.
"Please Sam for me!!!! I just want to apologise for all what my mother did to her!!!! Please!!!! " she pleaded melting his heart. Had it been any other stuff he would've placed it in her beautiful feet. But that girl was a witch, besides he knew she wouldn't listen to him for she treats the world as shit.
"Samrat my son!!!! Nanu is right!!! Bring her here, we will apologise because although we hate that woman but she was something to us, and hence it's our duty to at least apologise!!! " said her father as she hugged him tightly. Samrat sighed looking at his sniffling wife.
"Ya, Samrat I'll accompany you!!! " said naksh with a voice that brooked no scruple or objection. Samrat huffed as he looked at the hunchback who was straddling on Chirag's waist after hearing her name, not his fault her name is enough for anyone to wet his pants.
"Ok fine, only for nanu!!! So get ready we have to head for brothel!!! " said samrat tiredly and naksh glared at him. Nandini and her father looked at him shocked, after all he was ne'er like that.
"So disgraceful!!! How could you!!! " muttered naksh disgruntled, to which samrat rolled his eyes.
"Prabhu!!!! Coz that's where you'll find her!!! " said he aggravated at his brother in law. Nandini gaped at him.
"That means she is.........!!!" nandini whispered sorrowfully. Samrat shook his head, gesticulated that's not the case.
"It's a man's brothel!!! " he apprise her a bit soft toned.
"What!!!! " they all yelled at the same time while samrat just nodded, folding his arms.
"Yes my lovely people!!! She owns more that a dozen male brothels in different parts of the world!!! And that's her favourite spot for pass time!!! " said samrat shocking the already shocked people. Nonetheless they'd to meet her anyhow, hence the existence of brothels though confounded them buy they resolved to snub it.
"Brother-in-law, let's get going!!! " said samrat grinning while naksh rolled his eyes. And than he blew a kiss to nandini which obviously infuriated naksh for he grabbed his arm and began dragging him out. Nandini blushed and her father chuckled.

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