The happily ever after....

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"Wow that's one hell of a story!!! " I practically screamed on my seat. The royal couple smiled as I did so. I recalled coming here after being invited by the King of Jaisalmer. I remembered how nervous I was while coming in this arid kingdom, thinking of all the possible bad things I might've done and as an outcome his highness had sent a 'royal invitation' for me. But coming here, I an amateur writer, was greeted with a downright different picture. I was flabbergasted when the King and Queen warmly welcomed me and asked me to pen down their tale of love. And hence here I was patiently listening to all they had to tell about their not-so-sweet love story.
"You liked our story!!! " asked the queen with hope in her beautiful eyes.
"Like!!!! Good Lord!!!! I fucking love your love story!!!! I mean that's exactly what I was seeking for my book!!!! You know this story has everything, Drama, love, madness, fun, entertainment......everything!!!! I am penning down this story straight away as I land home!!! " I yelled with joy. The King grinned.
"That's great!!!! And hey don't forget to mention that we've been happily married for 7 years now!!!! We have two beautiful kids, one brat and my heart, my little girl.!!!! I am sure you know about my brother Viraj....i reckon!!!! " he said. I nodded.
"Well yes!!! Met him the other day, he has two adorable boys!!! But I am telling you, they are one hell of a troublemaker.!!!! I remember Viraj literally getting exasperated with them!!!! Fatherhood is hard I believe!!! " I chuckled. The couple laughed as they concur with me.
"Um yeah, it is!!!! But trust me Veera is a good husband and a father!!!!! More than I am, I believe!!! " he said with a chuckle.
"No you are the best honey!!!! " nandini said looking at him with a smile on her youthful face. He smiled at her and looked at her with his eyes filled with love. I was literally becoming a fan girl right now, but who the hell cares.
"!!! " I heard a girly voice, resembling to a toddler. I turned my head to right only to find a small girl, probably 2 or 3 running with her little feets to the King. Samrat was quick enough to grab the little girl in his arms before she could bump into the chair.
"What happened my heart!!!! " he asked pecking her cheeks. She whimpered a little.
"!!!! " she somehow said in broken syllables. But he being a Dad must've understood for he furrowed his brows.
"Nikhil, come here boy!!!! Why aren't you letting chim play!!!! " he shouted as his daughter clinged to him. The queen admired the daddy-daughter moment. In a minute, a 6 year old boy came running to us. He was a carbon copy of Samrat, if you ask me.
"Yes Dad!!! " he asked with a grin as he ran to his mom and hugged her tightly. She chuckled as he wiped his sweaty face with her dupatta.
"Nikk, why aren't you letting your little sister play!!!!! " he asked in a serious tone.
"Because she doesn't knows how to play!!!! I am not going to play with her!!! She is too small to play with us!!! Me, Utkarsh, Swayam and Harsh are playing, we don't want her in our boxing match. She will injure herself and than everyone will scold me!!! " he blabbered while hastily gulping down the milk. I chuckled and so did nandini.
"Nobody is playing a boxing match OK!!! Arjuna uncle is not here that's why utkarsh, swayam and harsh are also carefree!!!!.......Go to your room, we are going to visit Viraj uncle and Paridhi Aunty, ask Kesar to dress you up!!!! " Samrat said. Nikhil bounced in joy.
"Wohooo!!!! I will meet Veer and Vedant!!!! " he yelled as he dashed towards the palace.
"Nikhil, don't run!!! You may fall baby!!! " nandini shouted but he wasn't the one to listen.
"Um I think I should leave!!!! It has been so late already!!!! " I said as I stood up.
"Won't you stay for the lunch!!! " Samrat asked with his little girl in his arms. I shook my head politely.
"I wish I could but no!!!! Some other time surely!!!! " I said as I hugged nandini and whispered a small goodbye. After that, I softly pinched the little girl's cheeks to which she giggled. And than I waved goodbye to the royals.
"Thank you for coming!!!! And I hope when you're here again, you may meet Naksh, my father-in-law and hunchback along with his three boys!!!! Please do come again!!! " Samrat said with a smile. I smiled and nodded.

I reached my car to find my two cousins and my sister sitting inside, stultified. I sighed.
"You got one more story!!! " said my brother. I nodded.
"I am glad we didn't had to wait for long here, I mean just like in that place.....what was that......Nat.....yeah!!!! Nataraja Mansion. And guess what, we don't know what did you find there!!!! " my sister said disappointed. I sighed.
"There was nothing their!!! And what did I tell you, no-one will ask anything about the mansion!!!! Just keep in mind, whatever is in there is not for you all to know!!!! " I said firmly, folding my arms.
"Ok Ok!!!!! Don't get hyper sis!!!! Leave it!!!! And tell me, next stop??? " asked my cousin brother. I smirked as I sat in the car.
"Shivalaya!!! " I said and they all looked me agape.
"Where the hell is it!!! " my sister asked me.
"In the heart of Himalayas!!!! " I replied casually. They all rolled their eyes.
"Fine!!!! But hey, I hope their is nothing wrong there!!!! " asked my brother raising his brow. I smirked.
"No problem, I promise!!! " said I and they nodded, clearly failing to notice my fingers crossed. I am thankful that they didn't, for I didn't wanted them to know what lurks in the heart of Himalayas, until we reach there. The car's engine started, and I rolled down the windows, staring at the hills of sands, preparing myself for the next adventure.

The end......

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