Chapter 4: Feelings

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With Hinata, and Kenma: 3rd pov

Most of Kenma's family and friends lived in Tokyo so they couldn't visit her until the weekend.

The first people to visit Hinata and Kenma was Hinata's family and close living relatives of Kenma's."Wow nee-chan, you became smaller than usual!" "Are you girls ok, is there anything I can to do for you guys?" Similar to what Oikawa's family said to her.

Classmates came over to see Hinata and met Kenma, Kenma spent most of her time on her phone.

At last, the one you've been waiting for, the one you've been waiting for, the mystery, the one who changed history, mystery the one who changed history temptress! The one with a plan, a plan to steal mine! (Lol, six the musical reference)

"Boke Hinata boke! Why did you skip practice?"

"HAHH?? What do you mean Bakayama? Are you stupid or something?"

"YOO HINATA, YAMAGUCHI! What's it like to be a girl!" Nishinoya and Tanaka shouted.

"Give the girls some space you two," said Ennoshita slapping the two harshly on their heads.

"You good Yamaguchi?" Asked Tsukkishima

Yamaguchi all flustered replied, "Uh, yeah, thanks for asking Tsukki." Yamaguchi was shorter now that she was a girl, and Tsukki looked taller now, and that made him so much cooler, what were these emotions Yamaguchi was feeling?

Yamaguchi was tall for girl standards like most of the boys who turned into a girl, he was only 5cm shorter than usual. Her eyes were wider and awake, making her look like a curious child. Her hair was one of the shorter ones compared to the other girls, who had turned.

(Ugh finally romantic progress, sorry I am sort of rushing the story so I can get to the part I want to tell, Yamaguchi seems like the first to realize her feeling so I used her, be my test dummy, Yamaguchi :)

"Ugh, I am so tired I will head home now," Sugawara said mimicking Tsukkishima's voice

"Sugawara-san, I would rather not have you mimicking my voice." Sugawara slapped Tsukkishima's back hard, ouch.

Sugawara fussed over Kenma for awhile, although Sugawara was almost as crazy as Tanka and Nishinoya he balanced it out with wits and a mothery side.

Kenma had a smaller frame but was relatively the same height, her hair was longer, very smooth, and silky.

(I really don't like the mother side of Sugawara shown in many fanfics, it isn't funny when he pulls out a knife and threatens people who hurt his 'child' but I will add it in more subtly since people like it so much.)

After Amera had called them outside the three joined Oikawa and Kyotani. Oikawa went over to a small crowd that was teaching the newly turned how to maintain their hair, and how to style it. Kyotani wanted to go with but found learning how to maintain hair was stupid and instead went over to help Amera and the other supervisors set up dinner. Yamaguchi had been dragged into a group of girls and boys (all still students). Kenma played on her phone, Hinata watched her play while she played with a volleyball that Amera was able to get her.

With Yamaguchi

"Now my crush will never like me, look at me, I am a boy! No offense guys." Said one of the boys

"None taken," replied a few girls, they didn't feel comfortable talking about crushes but thought it would be rude to leave.

"How do you know if you have a crush on someone?" asked one of the girls who were actually interested.

"Oh, well you think that person is really cool and you look up to them, you want to be able to impress them and be with them a lot." replied another girl (one with exp.)

(To those who actually know how to tell if you have crushes, please tell me. T-T)

"Isn't that the same as admiration?" asked another one perking up from their phone,

"WHAT NO!" said one of the guys passionately and stands up "The difference is that you want to be like that person and the other is you want to be with that person."

"Ugh, love is too hard!" said one of the guys

"Agreed," said a small portion of people in the group

Admiration, huh? The others continued talking about their own crush experiences and Yamaguchi got lost in her thoughts.

"What about you Yamaguchi?"

"Huh? Wha?"

"Have you had a crush before?"

"Well there's this girl in my grade that I had a crush on but now that I got to know her I think she is more like a sister to me. Besides, I think she likes one of our seniors."

"Ohh~ " (Like not ohh I get it but the ohh interesting) multiple people said as a few laughed awkwardly wanting to leave the conversation.

"Talking about seniors, some of you guys are graduating soon right?" Said someone in the group

"Ugh yeah, but now I am the opposite gender, and I don't wanna graduate like this." Said one of the older people in the group, taking the conversation in a whole different direction.

Yamaguchi felt queazy, the previous conversation made him rethink somethings. To calm her mind Yamaguchi searched the floor, her eyes landing on a small spider weaving it's web. (Yeah this is going to be important to the story.) The web was deep, intricate, and complex, 'just like my life,' Yamaguchi thought.

Why him?

 Please tell me if I get any of the personalities of the characters wrong, I really don't like it when people change the characteristics of the characters, (unintentional alliteration lol) so please tell me!

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