Chapter 1

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"Cop, you wouldn't believe me if I tell you!" Copter was giving out his amused face on Tee hearing his best friend's words. Copter could tell the things his friends wanted to tell badly, but still, he was trying to make Copter making a guess out of it. "Yeah, I would never believe it, until you tell me about it. So, what is it?"

Tee was letting out his exciting face while he couldn't help but to jump here and there, that he couldn't contain his excitement. They were on their way out of the factory where they work. It was a tough day for employment even though they have their degree in hands. Both Tee and Copter had a degree in civil engineering, while Itthipat had Electrical engineering, Kimmon and Tae mechanical engineering while Bas was in a science major.

They were struggled for 6 months looking for a job suited their degree, but somehow, all they could have a job was in this factory. And somehow, the first person who gave up looking for a job suited their degree was Tae, which he helps others, later on, joining the job in the factory, except for Bas, who works at a cafe. They were all at the same age, but Bas was graduate earlier than them since his course only took 3 years to finish while the others taking 4 years to finish. They had known each other while going through the first orientation week of their study and had been friends ever since.

"Bas had agreed to go out for dinner with me. I'm telling him clearly that it had to be only both of us, and I decided to confess to him tonight." It tugs Copter's heart hearing that, but somehow, he still could give out his wide smiling, acting like his usual.

"I'm happy for you, then." Copter wasn't lying when he said he was happy for Tee, but on the other side, he was hoping Tee would be this happy because of him. But he knew, Tee's heart was Bas's, to begin with. He was loving the guy since the first week knowing him. They knew each other's first, and he was the latest join the gang since he was registered two days late. It took him some time to wrapped up things before registering, and for that, he knew he had been late ever since.

"I have to go first to get ready for tonight. Make sure you take your dinner, okay. Bye!" And to that Tee was leaving right away, running to their shared room. His step halted. He knew he said he was happy for his best friend, but seeing him getting ready for a date with another guy wouldn't be so much fun, not when he was your first love. He fell in love at first sight with Tee, that he never knew he could fall for a guy, but he did.

He still remembers the first time meeting him when he was so clumsily running to the meeting point for the first year that he was stumbling and falling down the floor, right in front of everyone. The whole student in the hall was laughing at him, including the senior, but the one approach him with a smile and help him getting up was Tee. It was the sweetest smile he had seen in his life, and nobody had ever helped him whenever he falls, but he did. He thought he was some kind of angel, that his world was stopped at that moment until the loud screaming of the senior was taking him back to reality.

But his heart was stomped right away when he could see how Tee was looking at Bas. It couldn't take long for him to see how Tee feel towards Bas when he asked about it from him after a month been friends with him. Tee was afraid at first, but Copter had to make sure it was okay to open up to him, only then Tee would tell him everything about Bas. And it has been Bas that, and Bas this ever since. And he couldn't help but have his heart bleeding every time Tee was talking about Bas, but he couldn't do anything about it, but to support him fully, as his best friend.

Copter then turn around, walking aimlessly through the crowds that were walking here and there. The factory was situated not far from a shopping square full of restaurants and shop that most of the customers were the workers from a few factories that was around.

He was hungry earlier since his lunchtime was short because there was some problem in his part of the job, that he could only take a sandwich and milk to fill his tummy. He was planning to ask Tee to have dinner at their favorite tom yam place, but obviously Tee had other plans and his appetite was gone with it.

Copter was taking a walk, didn't mind where he was heading, that he could aimlessly keep walking, letting his legs decided where to go. He was still wearing his job uniform, but it doesn't matter. Tomorrow his off day, along with Tee, but he was sure, Tee would fill it with Bas already. Itthipat was having a date with Tae, as usual, and Kimmon for sure getting another hook up for tonight. With his face, it wouldn't hard for him to have it.

Among the 6 of them, Kimmon was the only one who led a wild lifestyle, with hookups everywhere, but luckily, he always makes sure he makes himself checked every year since he couldn't afford every 6 months. Couldn't risk his health, but still taking the risk anyway. Everybody would just shake their head on that.

Itthipat was dating Tae, already an old couple, he was close with Tee, very close, and Bas was close with Kimmon. So, if they weren't gathered together, they would be with someone they close with or spending time alone, and it seems, from now on, Copter had to spend his days alone, unfortunately, again.

Copter wasn't an outspoken person. He was a quiet one, which hard for him to have other friends, beside them 6. Opposite to Tee, who was friendly and was a people magnet everywhere he goes, and Copter has really admired him for that.

Somehow, Copter had reached to the recreation park that had a man-made lake in the middle of it. He could see a few people were already jogging around at this time of the day and he would just walk straight to a seat facing the lake.

Once settled on one of the seats, looking faraway at nowhere, he couldn't help but drop the tears he was trying hard to contain since he heard the news of Tee was having a date with Bas. Maybe all this time, watching Tee beside him, he thought he would have a slim chance to be with Tee, and that Tee would have the same feelings he had, but then the slim chance he was holding on just now was crumpled all over, taking away by the wind. He could never have a chance with Tee, he could have known that long before, but he couldn't stop loving him, even if he could accept it.

End of Chapter 1

p/s: Hi all! it's a new story! Happy reading!

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