Chapter 25

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Ding dong! Ding dong! Ding dong! The bell of the apartment keeps on going off too many times, since the person outside the door was pushing on it nonstop, irritating the owner of the apartment who was watching tv at the time.

"Who is it? I'm coming, I'm coming...." Itthipat was hurried to the door and was yelling to the person while opening his apartment's door, only to see a familiar face that he didn't saw for years now. That guy would standing while leaning on the wall with plastic bag full of beers, but he himself was already drunk.

"Tee....." Itthipat was shocked to see his friend's face, since the guy was the one denied to see them and after countless denial, he wouldn't even answer their calls anymore. But then, suddenly appeared here in front of their apartment?

Tee was smirking and without being invited, he was getting in, pushing Itthipat to the side a little, making Itthipat was frowning watching the guy's action, which was casually taking a seat on the floor in front of the tv and was putting the plastic bag on the tea table. Itthipat was watching his every moved while scowling.

Without waiting for Itthipat, Tee would open the plastic bag and taking out beer for him and Itthipat. "What are you doing there? Come, it was so long since we had drink together. Come on, sit, sit." Tee was talking in his drunk tone while patting on the seat beside him, treating like it was his home.

Itthipat was sighing and shaking his head before taking the seat opposite to Tee and was taking the tv's remote control, turning it off.

They both were drinking in silence almost half an hour. Tee was waiting Itthipat to ask him, while Itthipat was waiting for Tee to talk. Few more minutes with the waiting game, Tee was surrender first and was starting the conversation. "You are not going to ask me, why I was coming here out of the blue?"

Itthipat was holding the can while moving it in a circle position. "Why?" Itthipat would ask. "Tee was giggling, drunk. "Curse my luck, Itthipat. I saw Bas kissing my brother at the beach today. The same scene unfolded in front of me, again. But unlike Copter, this time I really really saw them kissing and they even taking their time before realize I was there. Don't try to put a doubt to me like you did about Copter and Kimmon."

Itthipat was sighing hearing Tee and was rubbing his face, frustrated. He knew Tee was never loving Bas like he did to Copter, but somehow, he wished, no, he thought Bas would be sincerely loving him that he thought they both could have a happy ending. But still, even if they had to break up somehow, but why it had to be the same way?

"What did you do, then? There's no wall for you to punch." Itthipat then asked making Tee was laughing to it. "I ended it right away with Bas. Turns out, he was having repeated one-night stand with P'Joss, that they didn't really knew each other. And the fact that Bas would have one-night stand while being my fiancé was frustrated enough."

Itthipat was smirking hearing Tee's explanantion. "I've never thought you would listen to his explanation though, since you don't really gave Copter chance for it. So, how do you feel now?" Itthipat was looking straight to Tee's eyes while Tee would look at him back. Itthipat sure knew how to read him.

"Frustrated with how things unfolded, though I felt relieved at some point. Being with Bas was more of responsibility than it is from the heart, so, it kinda lifting the weight in my hearts, I guess." Itthipat was laughing a little, glad Tee wasn't affected much, but still it was unpleasant, and he knew that.

"By the way, where is Tae?" Tee would ask, changing the topic. "Thought you'd never asked. His department was having dinner, so it will take some time before he was coming back." Itthipat was answering him, while opening a new can of beer for himself.


Tae was glaring at both his friend and his boyfriend the next morning, at the dining table. He was shocked to see two drunken idiots in his sharing apartment's living room when he came back from his department's dinner. Double shock when he saw the face that he didn't see for years.

Because of the collaboration, Tee was force to work on the shopping mall's part of the business, making them working in different companies. Tee had decline his offered for drinking session that they always had before, countless times until he stop answering his call and replying to his message altogether. Though living not that too far from each other, they weren't see each other almost four years already.

Seeing him drunk with his boyfriend in his house out of the blue, there must be something that happened to him. So, he put the blanket on both of them who was falling asleep in th eliving room. And he was preparing this breakfast for them, when he was the one waking up earlier than those two drunkards.

So, here they were, sitting awkwardly at the dining room together, on a weekend morning.

"Eat first, and then we will talk later." Tae finally says after he was dragging these two for a breakfast. He had so many questions since the first time he saw the face last night, but he keep it in. So, that's why they were having early breakfast on weekend, cause who did?

Fair enough, they were eating in silence and they couldn't even really tell the pancake's taste, whether it was delicious or not. Tee was actually embarrassed. He never thought he would show up here while drunk. Guess, he did miss his friends after all.

"So, Tee, care to explain why you were avoiding us all these years and then boom! You appeared out of nowhere in front of our door." Tae was asking right away once they were all settled in the living room.

Tee was looking at Tae and Itthipat alternately before heaving a heavy sigh. "I do nothing for all these years but to focused on the project and the business and when I realize it was already four years past. When Itthipat and then later you too, Tae, was siding with Copter and Kimmon, I was kind of frustrated, and even more afraid to know the real reason why you both will side with them instead of me. I guess that's what preventing me on meeting you both.

But seriously, it was difficult. I was so lonely and sometimes stressed, with no one to turn to. Bas wasn't helping either, when all the times, he was the one who always whining about everything. And I would just be a silent listener, and maybe that's why he was looking for other entertainment.

And yesterday, I caught him kissing my own brother for g*dsake! The fact that it was almost the same incident between me and Copter five years ago, I felt devastated. I think, that's why I was coming here, for both of you were the only friends who can really understand me. I'm sorry."

Tae was sighing. "Then the real reason you were so stressed were still because of Copter instead of Bas, am I right?" Tee was turning to Tae fast hearing Tae's statement. "I......" Itthipat then cutting him before he continue to say something about it.

"Just admit it, Tee. You were still so in love with Copter and still couldn't accept what were happening on that day. I was trying to tell you before, but you were ignoring my calls and I don't think it was appropriate to tell you through message, since you will just think that whatever it is, it was just made up."

Tee then focused to Itthipat hearing him. "But before that, I need to give you both this." Tae then giving an envelope to each of them.

"What is this, Tae?" Itthipat was frowning while taking it. "Kimmon's invitation card."

End of Chapter 25

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