after the weeding

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   After the wedding everyone headed to the fire station for the reception. When everyone arrived at the reception. Ellie, Elvis, and Arnold served everyone dinner. Penny's parents and the Jones all sat at together laughing and talking during dinner. "The first time Uncle Sam and Aunt Penny kissed we all went crazy." Shara said laughing. "Yea." James added agreeing with his twin sister. "May I have everyone's attention please? " Chief Fire Officer Boyce asked standing. "I like to propose a toast to Penny and Sam. I know that the will protect and love each other the rest of their lives together, so too Penny and Sam." Boyce said smiling. "To Penny and Sam." Everyone said echoing Boyce's words. After dinner Elvis brought out the cake. Penny and Sam cut the cake together while kissing. Everyone started to clap. The cake was enjoyed by everyone even Station Officer Steel loved it. After cake everyone gathered around and watched Penny and Sam dance to Just the way you are. After dancing for awhile everyone sat down pooped from dancing for 3 hours. "Sam I need to tell you something." Penny said. "What?" Sam asked nervously. "Well... I'm pregnant." Penny said with excitement in her eyes and smile. "Penny that is amazing news." Sam yelled spinning Penny around in the air. Tears ran down the two lovers face while kissing. Everyone started to cheer. Penny and Sam touched foreheads together still crying with happiness.

      I hope you guys enjoyed the story.        

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