Caster's End

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Shirou POV

I came back home as I fell to the floor and slammed my fist into it.

"My wallet" I whispered out "All my hard earned money, gone"

"What's the problem master" Salter asked me as I turned to her and glared at her as I got back up and went up in her face.

"YOUR ASKING WHATS THE FUCKING PROBLEM WHEN YOU SPENT ALL OF MY HARD EARNED MONEY ON FAST FOOD" I yelled at Salter from all my anger at her using up all my hard earned money from work in one evening.

"You were the one who permitted me to use as much money as possible" Salter told me with a look saying that she didn't understand.

"I MEANT GETTING LIKE A HAPPY MEAL OR SOMETHING NOT GETTING 10 OF EVERY FAST FOOD ITEM" I continued to yell at her as I really wished she wasn't my servant so I could just kill her.

"It was what had drawn my interest" Salter said as I boiling with rage at her but didn't act on it as I knew she was needed for me to win the Grail War. Also because she could beat my ass without even trying if she wanted to.


"That was just a sacrifice for your servants needs" Salter said as she took off the shoes she wore that I gave her, which were black puma's and severely worn out.


"You should be quiet Emiya-kun, you could cause some people to send some complaints" a voice of an awfully familiar female said as the sound of the door opening and closing were heard behind me.

"There is barely anyone who lives in this area at all" I told her as I turned to her and then just immediately turned back towards Salter with the same glare from before.

"ALSO BECAUSE OF YOU WE DON'T HAVE ANY MORE MONEY SO ALL YOU'RE GOING TO EAT IS HOME COOKED FOOD AND YOUR GOING TO LIKE IT" I yelled at her as she looked disgusted from the thought of eating home cooked food.

"And don't you fucking try me" I told Salter as while I wasn't yelling at her anymore I had my anger lacing each and every word.

"...If that is your command master" Salter said as she looked away not even hiding her face that was contorted in disgust.


3rd POV

It is now night and during this night the gates of Ryuudou Temple were guarded by a samurai swordsman with long indigo hair tied into ponytail and indigo eyes. He wears a traditional light purple umanori hakama and kimono, light purple tabi and black geta with purple haori and tekkou and carries his sword on his back.

He was standing tall and ready to face any challenge that came his way------was not the scene infront of Ryuudou Temple as he was lying on the ground with his ribs opened apart and his organs being devored by another being.

All you could hear was the sound of something being eaten as a dark figure got the heart of the samurai and opened his mouth as he ate it. Assassin was devoured by the true assassin who had been created from assassin's organs.

"Kukukukukuku" the figure chuckled with a voice that carried the sound of a deranged creature.

The dark figure then went into the temple grounds as the sound of the figures footsteps became silent.

The figure opened a certain door as the sound of someone looking in the figures direction was heard.

"What is it assassi--Wait your not assassin, who are you" the woman in a hooded bluish-purple robe that hid her face and any other notable feature asked the figure.

"Kukukukukuku" the figure chuckled as it threw knifes at her and she dodged the weapons.

"Kukukukukukukukukuk" the figure chuckled again in its deranged voice

"Well no matter I will kill you and protect my master" the woman said as she started to us her magecraft against her enemy


Shirou POV

Salter and I made it up to the top of the steps as the Ryuudou Temple was now right infront of us.

Salter was in her battle armor and held her black sword with red markings in her hands at the ready to attack an enemy.

"Are there any servants" I asked Salter as she shook her head 'no' and I looked back at the temple.

The reason we were here is because Rin told us her plan of having us split up and try to find the enemy base at night. She also gave us the information that this was a very likely spot that a servant was hiding as she said some stuff about how the temple was an ideal spot for a servant to hid, especially with their being some leylines here.

"This is weird" I said out loud as while I would most likely have written Rin's thoughts about this as just being cautious but the fact that I felt the magical energy gathered here showed that this wasn't normal. After all I am horrible at detecting magical energy, so much so that I didn't notice Rin being a magus but the fact I could sense the magical energy here proved that it must be an overwhelming amount that even I could sense it.

"It is indeed very strange" Salter agreed with me as she looked around the area most likely making sure that there were no enemies.

"Master get behind me" Salter said as she started to go towards the temple

"Is there a servant" I asked her as she nodded to me and I followed behind her

After a minute of walking we made it to an open room in the temple where you could see the outside and the entirety of the walls were covered in blood as well as a body of a man with black hair in his mid twenties with a torn up green suit lying on the ground dead.

"Caster" Salter said to a girl wearing a robe that was torn and she was bleeding from multiple wounds on her body.

"S-saber" the servant now known as Caster muttered out as she coughed up blood and something inside of me was stirred from the sight.

'Kill, kill, kill, kill, kill , kill' were the thoughts that filled my head as I started to feel ecstatic.

Though all of those thoughts stopped as Salter cut Caster into two with her black and red sword in an instant.

"Master the task is done. Shall we head back" Salter asked as she turned to face me

"..Yeah let's go back home" I told her as we now started to leave the Ryuudou Temple


3rd POV

The figure from before was now standing on a street light as the figure watched the red haired boy and his servant walk away from the temple.

You could now see that Caster's corpse that was cut in half with her entrails laid out on the ground had a shadow consume her whole, leaving nothing of her left.

"Kukukukukukukukukuku" the figure chuckled with its sickening voice filling the silence surrounding him as the moonlight hit his face and you could see a white skull mask covering his face.

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