Chapter 2

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A/N: Sadie's POV is happening a bit before and during Kayden's POV, just in case you guys were confused. 

Sadie's POV:

"Bye-bye girly! Have fun! See you in three weeks! Love ya" Faith spoke on the other end of the call.

"Bye, Merry Christmas! Say hello to your family for me and take care" I replied, trying my best to hang up while focusing on my driving, noticing the snow mist fogging up my windshield.

I see out my window to take a look at the polar-white snow beginning to hit the ground and the sky above, turning grey as the night draws in.

A cloud of cold air forms as I exhale through my mouth. I reach over to the car heater turning up the heat with my tingling, almost numb, fingers. I felt the warm air reached my dry, cold, face.

I'd very much rather be at my parent's house all huddled up by the fireplace, in our Christmas PJs, listening to some Christmas jazz music, which my dad loved.

A smile grew on my face as I'm driving past a familiar setting. I had just driven by the city I grew up in.

I don't mean to sound dramatic. I don't usually feel like this, it's just that this term has been extremely stressful that I was beginning to feel a bit homesick.

Trying to major in English has me reading and writing 24/7. I fall asleep reading books only to wake up and have to read some more. I love reading, don't get me wrong, it's just that I'm doing it so much that life is passing me by.

I guess it's just the responsible student in me wanting to be constantly studying. However, it's college and I'm accountable for my academic success.

On the bright side, my best friend Faith and I managed to get dorms together so it wasn't that bad.

Faith has been my friend since the 5th grade. There was a time in high school where we grew apart but college luckily reconnected us.

We didn't leave off on a bad note or anything, we just went our own ways for a few years. We had a lot to catch up so being roommates together definitely helped rebuild our friendship.

One thing I love above Faith is that she is the cleanest and organized person I've met, aside from myself. I would've hated having to share a dorm with a messy roommate.

Although, we do have different styles. I didn't hate it but it did get in the way a bit at the beginning, but we managed.


Being on the road for two whole hours has made me crave some of my mom's famous delicious eggnog that she makes during the holidays. I've never tasted any other that was as good as hers.

I cannot wait to spend these next few weeks with them.

Now that I think of it I never actually called my parents to let them know that I was arriving a day earlier than planned but it's not like it's a bad thing. I miss them so much. It'll be a surprise.

Not that long after, I found myself pulling up to my parent's driveway.

My jaw drops a bit as I see all the twinkling golden Christmas lights hung up outside the house followed by the trail of glowing candy canes on our pathway, leading up to the front porch. The front porch had these beautiful lush green garlands wrapped around the railing and some by the door frame.

"Woah, my parents outdid themselves this year," I thought out loud.

The most they usually do is put up a couple of wreaths outside. My mom spends most of her time decorating the inside to perfection, that she never really does anything to the outside.

I step out of my car into the cold breeze, grabbing my bags and suitcase. The outside was dead silent, I could only hear my boots crunching through the powdered snow.

Trying my best to peek into the living room window as I'm walking up, I see the lights were still on so my parents were probably downstairs somewhere.

I was very eager to get inside and out of this freezing weather.

My teeth chatter as I knock at the door.


"Hmm..." I whispered with a slightly confused look on my face.

I looked to my left to double-check that my parent's car was still parked out front.

I knock again a bit harder just in case they didn't hear me the first time.

I didn't want to barge in but I couldn't stand being out here in the cold any longer so I rattle the doorknob only to find out that it was already unlocked.

I slowly opened the door and took a few steps inside when I hear the television playing.

My eyes widened with horror and I let out the loudest scream ever, causing me to instantly drop my bags.

It was the kind of scream that made your blood run cold.

I felt a rush of panic. Adrenaline flowed through my veins.

I sprinted to the two bleeding bodies sitting on the couch.

"MOM...DAD!" I yelled with tears building up in my eyes.

Struggling to breathe or even hold myself up I take a look at them.

"Wh-What ha-happened?!" I blurted out in a frantic voice.

They had two deep slashes located right at their throats...

I sank to my knees, crying into my hands with tears dripping in between my fingers in front of their two bodies draining of blood.

I held their hands as I let out a shuddering breath.

My heart was thudding like a rock rattling in a box inside of my chest.

"NO, no this can't be happening... I-"

A hand suddenly covers my mouth, jolting me backward.

I let out a muffled scream trying my best to get loose out of the tight grip this tall, strong man had on me.

I shrieked, trying to break my arms free knowing I was probably in the arms of my parents' killer.

My body tensed up as I felt a sharp knife blade push deep against my neck.

I squeezed my eyes shut in fear leaving me with a deep shaky breath. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2020 ⏰

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