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Unedited.  Shorter chapter, but of fluff.
We start following the anime story line pretty soon. Maybe in the next chapter so be prepared for some fighting action.

I have been waiting for
T w e n t y
F o u r
Fucking minutes.



He's followed by a mass of cadets and some superior officers, eventually the field is filled and I'm dragged up to the front with Erwin and Levi.

"Cadets and squad leaders. I, Captain Levi and Squad Leader Hanji have just been in a meeting where we were informed that our newest cadet isn't who they said they were." Erwin starts.

"Well when you out it like that it sounds way worse than it is..." I mumble but quickly shut up after being smacked upside the head by Levi.

"Keiko's name is Kira. Yes. The same Kira your parents told you stories about. Not to worry though, they are strictly on our side, and we have made a plan for if the situation arises where we can no longer trust Kira."
Erwin's voice is overlapped by various gasps and confused and scared voices.

"You must understand that you cannot tell anybody about this. At all. Ever. Not even your family." Erwin warns them all.

"You must agree to this, I don't want to think about the consequences for if you do not." He threatens.

"Am I clear?" He asks them, to which he is responded to with a loud, collective "Yes sir!" and salutes from each cadet and squad leader.

Erwin motions for me to stand and speak.

I crease my eyebrows, and make a face at him.

I don't know what to say?!

Too late, I'm shoved to stand up by Levi. Fuck him.

"HMPH. Fuck off! I- uh hehe..." I start at Levi but stop and turn to the expectant crowd.

"UhM.. Hi! M-my name is uh Kira. Well no it's not but thats-- never mind, You'll address me as Keiko or Kira. Uh, I'd just like to say that I could rip every single one of you apart and leave no survivors. None of you could ever match my strength or ability. I just choose not to, none of you have given me a reason to, let's leave it at that." I warn them threateningly.


"Well what else did you want me to say?!" I yell at Levi as he forces me into his office.

"Maybe not 'I could kill every last one of you'?!" He tells back, mocking my voice

"Well-- I didnt-- Shut up!! I don't do public speaking!! What was I supposed to say?? 'yeal I've killed 31 people but trust me!'??"

"Not those exact words but something along the lines of!"

"Oh piss off! You could have at least given me something to go off!"

"I thought you'd have a bit more sense than threatening our entire fucking legion!" He steps up to me, inching closer.

"You should know by now that I don't have much of that!" I yell, shoving him away from me.

"Well maybe it's time to get some of it!" he counters and shoves me back.

I lose my footing and go tumbling over the back of the couch, my head hitting the floor, my body saved my the cushions but my legs sprawled over the back of it.

I prop myself up on my elbows, as my head tilts up I see Levi stood there with a surprised smirk on his face.

"Oh fuck off, now you're in for it." I tease.

He scoffs and stars walking away.

I pull myself back over the couch and launch myself at him, latching onto his back he unwillingly let's out a sharp laugh.

I completely stop moving and stare at him.

"Holy shit.. Did you just-"
"Not a fucking word!!"

I laugh and chase after the steely eyed captain that escaped my grasp.

We go racing through the hallways, I quickly catch up to him just outside of the canteen, I grab his hips and pull him towards me, he shoves my shoulders back and tries to wriggle his way out of my hands.

"No you're not getting away that quickly!" I yell

"Oh yeah?" He counters and forces his arms under mine, he pushes my hands away from him and he shoves me back, darting past me back the way we came.

I bark out a laugh and race after him again.


"pftt, Karma, asshole." Levi scoffs from behind the closed door I just ran face first into..
My pupils constrict quickly as I feel blood dripping down my nose.

"Fuck." I curse

The wooden door opens and Levi beads down and moves my hands away from my injured face.

"Let me see, dumbass." He says caringly(?)

Thick, sweet, red fluid dripped from my thin nose, levi pulled his cravat from his neck and to my and the crowd around us' surprise, he dabs it on my nose, soaking up the blood.

"Uhm .. Thank you." I force out
"Tch, be careful where you go, dumbass."
"G-got it."

He pulls his hand away and I feel my nose to check for blood, I pull my fingers away and I see none.

I shake my head and he invites me back into his office.

The door closes and we start talking again.

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