I still remember your voice...

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(A/N) Just a little bit of the chapter to get you interested. It doesn't actually say this in the chapter but this what the person/dragon is thinking. Sort of.

They say the first thing you forget about a dragon is their voice. You can remember their face and little details on their body. I know that's probably true but I can still remember her voice perfectly, her singing me to sleep with that same lullaby that I always loved even though I forgot everything else about her. I can't remember her face or her smile. I can't remember how tall she is or what she liked. Sometimes I wish I could remember those things instead of her voice. Because there's that amazing lullaby but then there's her screech. The screech she made when she died. That devastating screech that haunts my dreams. Though there are bad memories I will always love her.

(A/N) he didn't repeat the words up top. He's talking about the last chapter.

Wingers P.O.V-

"I promise."

'To protect your eggs' I added on in my head.

After I repeated those words I just stood there staring at her. I could have done something, I could have saved her. I'm a Rescue Rider, it's what I'm supposed to do!

No... I couldn't have done anything. I felt the same hopelessness I felt when my mother died. That pit in your stomach telling you that you were so useless to stop it. That everything you done was useless. I started remembering my own mothers death. Every time I think about it all I could hear was her painful screech when the spear hit her. I have to remember the good times, like her... I can't remember anything else about her.. The lullaby, I never forgot. Sometimes it's a blessing and sometimes it's a curse.

Now that I think about it my mom and Ocean died the same way. They both died because of dragon hunters. They both got spears to the heart. They both wanted what's best for me. My mom saved me and I'm saving Ocean's eggs.

I don't know how long I've been there just staring at her but I hear Cutter say, "W-What happened here." He asked. His voice was shaky when he spoke and you could tell he had a bit of fear in his voice. I know why though.

I had no idea what to say to him. What can I say? I'm not even sure what exactly happened here. I know dragon hunters did it but... No I do know what happened, I just don't want to tell anyone.

I pause before I talk, "H-Hunters.." I knew my voice was shaky but I continued anyway. "They um.. they..." I couldn't even finish my sentence. She's gone and that's that. Hunters killed her. That's what happened. Why can't I just say that? Wait I know because then... it would actually be happening. I know what's happening though I'm not really living it. It's almost like I can't comes to terms with it. And if I say it then it would make it way to real.

(Sorry if that doesn't make sense to you, I tried to describe it but to be honest you can't really describe that feeling. I don't know if you guys feel this way but if you do then hopefully you understand what I'm talking about.)

I decide to not finish what I was going to say because honestly I couldn't. "I'll explain when we get back to the Roost..." I respond trailing off at the end.

I walk over to Dak and bend down at little, signaling him to get onto the saddle. He climbs on instead of jumping on. I knew it was because Ocean laying dead in front of us, even though they didn't know her doesn't mean it doesn't hurt seeing a dragon dead in front of you. I didn't know her that well yet I still feel grief. I don't know if it was because it reminded me about my mothers death? Because my mom and Ocean were so similar? Maybe because she could've told me more about my mother? I know that sounds selfish but it's true. All those reasons are true...

As were flying back all I could think about my mom and Ocean. Every time tried to think about something else my mind would always wonder back to them. While we were flying back Dak would remind me to slow down since we were going to fast.

That's what happens when I'm lost in thought and flying. I go fast. It helps me clear my head. Just moving fast, feeling the wind against my scales. The adrenaline rush of flying... there's no feeling like it. Flying fast and making twist and turns, the butterflies in your stomach when you stop right before you hit the water. That feeling.. it's amazing. My mom and me used to go joy flying all the time. (When we got the twins with us Dak would come with us also). That's another reason me and Dak love joy flying. It brings us back to when we flew with mom. Mom... and I'm thinking about her again.

"Wing, slow down." Dak muttered to me. I did as Dak told me and slowed down. The whole ride has been quiet so far except for Dak quiet mutters to me to slow down. I knew everyone was wondering what happened and what I knew about it. I also knew they were probably concerned about me as well. I hadn't explained what happened and I was quiet the whole ride. I wanted to talk but my mouth felt dry and.. well I didn't know what to say.

We had finally got back home to the Roost. We all went to the inside to the middle floor of the Roost subconsciously.

(Am I using that word correctly? Subconsciously? Well what I'm trying to say is that they all knew to go to the middle part of the Roost without telling each other)

I went over to Ocean's eggs and purred at them sadly. All I could think about was how they will grow up without a mother just like me. But I had Dak and Leyla, they won't have anyone...

Summer came over to me with a small but sad smile on her face. "You don't have to tell us what happened if you don't want to." Summer spoke quietly in a very gentle voice.

"No.. you guys have the right to know.." I said just as quiet and soft as her, though I knew the other Rescue Riders could hear me.

That's when I told them everything...

Sorry this is a bit short! But I hope you in joyed it though! Vote and Comment!! Byeeeeeeeee!!!

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