Just their love

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Noyas POV

I still cant believe Asahi is my soulmate. The man Ive longed for since I met him. And I only found out a few hours ago. Right now im currently cuddled into my big teddy bear of a soulmate. We had made out for a bit before continuing to watch the movie. I had got tired so I layed down, and snuggled into his side. 

"Noya" I heard Asahi's deep yet smothe voice say. Its gonna take a while to get used to hearing it. 

I nodded my head letting him know to continue. "Do you mind if I tell Suga and Daichi? They uhm helped me" He explained. His voice came out a slight bit kind of broken.

I nodded again. But then a question popped in my head. I sat up and faced him. He looked at me confused.

"How often will you use your voice?" I say but I also use sign

"Not that often, mostly only around you" He answers me. I nod and lay back down. After finishing the movie we made ourselves lunch and ate while watching more tv. We decided for dinner we would order wings and watch the volleyball game that was gonna be on. It was only about 2 so we had a while until then. While we were watching tv Asahi got a text. 

He looked down and furrowed his eyebrows before replying. After a few minutes of back and forth he sighed before putting his phone down.

"Whats wrong?" I sign

"My parents are going to my aunts baby shower and wont be back for a month. And then there leaving again during summer break" He explained talking but also using sign. I nod and move over to his side to comfort him. 

"Want me to stay with you some time?" I ask after a few minutes. 

"Uhm sure, suga and daichi will be over sometimes so when there not you can come" He signed

I nodded and gave him a quick kiss before we continued watching tv.


And thats where im enden it for today. Sorry its short but I wanted to get something out you know. Anyway I have a few ideas so look for updates!

Bye fellow otakus :3

His voice AsanoyaWhere stories live. Discover now