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That afternoon when practice rolled around the third years had already made it in the gym together and were quickly changed, Asahi was a bit nervous though because of the slight scractch marks that were also on his arms.

He sighed as he walked out behind the rest of the third years and by that time the first years and Ennoshita, Narita and Kinoshita.

"BAKAYAMA I GOT TO THE STEP FIRST" Hinata was lively as usual as him and Kageyama continued to bicker.

Unnoticeable to the others Kageyama had sighed looking at the smaller boy pouting. After a lot of debating he decided to push his pride away for one second and let hinata have this one (mostly because he had been kinda an ass to hinata the past few days)

"Fine yes you did" Kageyama kissed the top of Hinatas head and continued to get dressed as the small ball of sunshine blushed but also smiled happily at his boyfriend.

In the gym
Everyone was practicing receives as Daichi and Asahi spiked them to the other side of the net, a loud BAM as it hit the floor when they failed to receive it.

Hinata ran out and immediately received one of Daichis spikes. Proud of himself he smiled but quickly scurried off as Daichi had his signature upset face as he pointed him in the direction of the line up.

Hinata was on Asahis side and Hinata being hinata was observing the ace closing when he stopped at his arms.

"ASHAI-SAN!" Hinata called our getting the Aces attention who cocked his head slightly in question.

"Your arms? Did you get in a fight with a small cat?" Hinata pointed out the light scratch marks and Asahi's face dusted with pink.

"Ah..yeah, don't worry about it!" Asahi wanting time avoid the situation started a good set up before running with a large jump hitting the ball over the net, it not even reaching Naritas wrist.

"My bad buddy" Asahi said nervously scraping the back of his neck. Narita shook it off and ran to the back.

"Daichi!" A loud yell was heard as Coach Ukai walked in, followed by coach Takeda.

"Yes coach?" Daichi said after spiking a ball to the line up

"Noya and Tanaka? Where are they" Coach Ukai handed Kiyoko a clipboard and Yachi the other.

"Uhm well Noya had an accident which messed up his ankle. Usually he would push through but he couldn't this time so Tanaka said he would get his home and be back to practice before we start" Daichi had quickly came up with a story which Asahi was extremely grateful for.

"Ahh okay, well if Tanaka isn't back on time he's doing 10 extra reps after" Ukai went over to the sidelines to get Yachi the water bottles and let everyone warm up

"Thank you Daichi" Asahi quietly said before getting back to warm ups.

Over with our two favorite gay kings

"So it was really that good?" Tanaka chuckled as he helped his friend walk. Noyas Aleve has kicked in and was now bearable to walk but Tanaka made sure his bro was steady.

"For sure" Noya Punched Tanaka in the side. "So what's going on with you and Ennoshita? You told me you found out over three months ago so why has nothing happened?"

Noya being really curious was attentively listening to his best bro.

"Ah well I haven't really approached him about it yet, I may know but does he? And if he does why isn't he saying anything" Tanaka sighed, fixing his beanie

"I don't even know if he's gay, we may talk a lot but I've never asked about that. I've been trying to even hint to him I like him, IVE EVEN TONED DOWN PRAISING KIYOKO" Tanaka seeming genuinely frustrated huffed looking over at the floor.

"Well bro maybe invite him over to your house and be you! Goofy, funny genuine TANAKA! and casually bring it up and see how it goes from there! I know you can do it bro your like..SUPER COOL" Noya looking at his best friend with a bright smile as they approached his home.

Tanaka appreciated having Noya at times like these.

"Thanks bro" Tanaka laughing loudly waved at Noya as he walked in the house before immediately sprinting back towards the school. (Noya only lived less then 10 minutes)

At The lovely gym of homos


"Yes im aware Tanaka just get ready for practice, we're starting", Ukai pinches the bridge of his nose as Tanaka repeatedly bowed before running off.

"Is he okay?" Asahi asked as Tanaka got in his spot. Tanaka smiled brightly and nodded at the large ace

"Yep! Perfectly fine" Tanaka laughed at the giant who had sighed happily. In the corner of his eye he could see Ennoshita looking, with the smallest of smiles.

Tanaka looked at Him giving him his closed smile making ennoshita blush slightly and turn away.

"HEY SHRIMPY, PAY ATTENTION" Tsukishima had yelled, getting Hinatas attention who was focused on figuring out how to get past more blocks.

Ukai sighed looking at the team before blowing his whistle.


Finally posting another chap😪 how was the writing in this one? I feel like it's improved a bit. Anyway thanks for the support and I'm so sorry for not posting for so long!


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