Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

“What do you think she was going to say? ‘Her friend…’ Hmmm..." That was Louis. Why were they talking about me? They just saw me for a minute and nothing really groundbreaking happened then. Oh the great mysteries of life.

“What do you think she meant by ‘I’ll tell you later’?” that was Zayn.

Oh. Yea, I did kind of leave them hanging with me and Marion's story.

Niall laughed. “Oh, Zayn.” Niall sighed. “She probably just meant ‘Holy Crap, what’s-her-face is getting closer, I better get the hell out of here.’ Everyone laughed at that and I giggled quietly. 

"Niall don't be insensitive! Her name is Marion and her kind father paid us mucho cha-ching to sing today..." Harry said.

Then the door opened and Daphne came in. I forgot! I told her to meet me in here. I quickly texted her,

They can't know that im in here!

Then I dropped my phone back in my cluttered purse. I made a mental note to clean it out later. I peeked over the seats to see if she got my text. Her phone buzzed. She read my text and responded.

Where is here?

Too late I realized my phone was going to buzz. Shit! Where is it? I dug through my purse as fast as I could, while trying to make as little noise as possible. I guess Daphne realized her mistake, because she looked panicked and started talking really loudly to the guys.

“HI, MY FRIEND TOLD ME TO MEET HER IN HERE, butIguesssheisn’theresorrytobother,” she took a deep breath and sounding much calmer, “you!” She was talking so fast I thought that she was going to have a heart attack or something! I can’t imagine what the guys were thinking! And my ears were ringing. I sent her a quick text saying,


The guys looked at her like she was an alien. Finally Liam started to walk toward her slowly like she would bite him or something. It was so funny! The look on his face! I had to hold my breath so that I wouldn’t crack up.

“Ok, take a deep breath,” Liam said calmly.

“Oh Daddy Direction, you always know just what to say,” Daphne said with her flirty voice, and she batted her eyelashes. The guys and Daphne all cracked up, which is a good thing because I don’t think I could have held in my laughter.

While everyone was occupied, I crept down the row I was hiding in, still crouched down when I got to the aisle I looked both ways took my mommy’s hand and made sure no cars were going to run me over. Just kidding, I made sure no one was looking my way and I crawled across it as fast as possible. I got to the side door and I opened it and slipped through I closed it carefully so that they didn’t hear me. Then I texted Daphne,

Went out side door coming in 2...

I went around to the front entrance, but I didn’t count on Marion coming out of the restroom as I walked by. So it took me a little longer than expected. Our encounter went something like this, in french I mean.

Marion: What are you doing at my party? I didn’t invite you. I don’t know how you got in!

Allie: What I’m doing at your party is having fun. You didn’t invite me. I got in with a ticket.

Marion: How did you get a ticket?

Allie: Hmm? Let’s think who did you give permission to have an extra ticket if someone got sick?

Marion: What are you talking about?

Allie: Didn’t you tell Daphne that she could have Sabine’s ticket when she got sick and couldn’t come?

Marion: What are you talking about?

Allie: I don’t know that’s what Daphne told me. *holds hands up in gesture of innocence*

Marion: Well I guess I can’t fault you then. Do you know where Daphne is?

*Normally I wouldn’t give away my best friend, but I wanted to figure out how she had gotten me a ticket as much as the next one, so I told Marion*

Allie: I think she’s in the small theater.

Marion: Let’s go!

As we walked toward the theater, I began to wonder where Daphne had gotten my ticket… mysterious. As I came in Daphne looked at me and said “Where have you been?” Then she saw Marion next to me and-I swear we didn’t mean to do it- we both put our hand on our left hip and pursed our lips at her as if to say ‘Young lady what do you have to say for yourself!’

“I can explain!” she said. There was a pause while we waited. “Liam, help me.” She pleaded.

Liam started to explain how this all happened, “We met right before the end of X Factor, ya know before we were (really) famous, and we’ve just kept in touch ever since. So when she wanted to bring you to our concert I figured it wouldn’t be too hard to swing. I didn’t know about, whatever this is.” He gestured vaguely towards me and Marion. I looked at him then at Marion. I honestly don’t know what this is either. I thought to myself.

“Oh,” Marion looked disappointed that she couldn’t blame me for something. And here I thought we were getting along for once! She left and there was an awkward silence.

“Who’s hungry?” Niall asked.

We all laughed, only Niall could bring up food in an awkward conversation and get away with it. We agreed that we should go eat, but not here, in case the crowd attacked them or something equally wacked. But I think that the main reason they wanted to leave was that they sensed the political unrest between me and Marion. And besides, no one wanted to stay around Marion anyway it’s not like she’s a ray of sunshine, or maybe that’s just that pesky political unrest talking, either way we skedaddled out of there.

So we popped into the closest café. I got a croque-madame, which is a ham and cheese sandwich with an egg on top. I gave my egg to Daphne, because she didn’t want to order her own, it was an inside joke. That was actually how we had become friends.

I had ordered un croque-madame and the waitress had just delivered to me when Daphne walked in, I knew her from school but we were just acquaintances. I waved at her to come over, she sat down and we were just sitting there awkwardly when she asked if she could have my egg! It was so random that I just started laughing which made her laugh which made me laugh harder, it went on and on. When we started to get quieter, I accidentally snorted which got us started all over again. We laughed for a solid ten minutes. Then, I gave her my egg.

Niall ordered un steak frites, Harry asked for tacos but when all he got was a blank look, he heaved a sigh and ordered un omlette avec du fromage et des pommes de terre. Louis and Liam both ordered un quiche Lorraine. Zayn asked the waitress for un croque-monsieur, which is the same thing I got except without the egg.

When we were done, we walked along the road just enjoying ourselves. I saw a little cart that sold crepes, so we stopped and got some for all of us. I sighed quietly as I felt the warm nutella sugar-coat my mouth. I saw Harry smile at me and I smiled back. By the time I was done eating my crepe I had nutella ALL over my hands. Everyone was laughing as I tried to lick all of it off. It was nice to have something to laugh about with all of them. And as we walked around, it felt like we had been friends for a long time. It just felt so right.

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