Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

As we were walking down the street, I got that feeling you get when someone is looking at you, I turned around and there is a flock of girls following us down the street!

Do you know how weird it is to turn around and see that you are being stalked by about 20 girls of various ages? Well I can now tell you from experience that it is weird as all get-out... I tapped Zayn's shoulder and said, "Umm... there happen to be a few girls following us."

"Well, well they seem to have found us." He said glancing over his shoulder. "Not that we made it particularly hard..."

Niall heard him and turned around, "Oh, yeah. Boys we got company!" he pointed out to Liam and Harry. They turned around and started walking backwards so that they could wave at their fans. I kept walking forwards, I didn't want to risk tripping and falling, I'm clumsy enough when I can to see where my feet are going let alone when I can't see who or what is behind me.

Harry, who was at the front of our little parade, tripped on his own feet, and went tumbling onto the street. I guess there's only so much walking backwards you can do perfectly before, well, it gets a little less perfect. Niall, who was walking right in front of (or behind depends on how you see it) Harry, tripped on him. He fell and grabbed at Daphne, who was walking next to him, for balance. Daphne wasn't expecting him to grab her and she went down with him. Liam clasped her arm to help steady her but he overbalanced and he joined them on the ground. That left me, Zayn, and Louis still standing, by now we were all laughing like maniacs and Harry's face was a very vivid purplish color. Niall grabbed Zayn's jacket and Zayn grabbed me and we went sprawling on the pavement! I came down with an elegant "Ooomph!", and I landed on top of Zayn. Louis who had managed to keep his balance throughout the whole ordeal, took one look at us, in a moaning heap on the ground, and sighed as if to say "Shame, shame!" Then he jumped and belly flopped on top of all of us. I let out a groan as most of his weight was on my stomach and let out a stream of curse words, in French of course. Harry looked at me and shook his head disapprovingly I grimaced at him in apology then, glanced at my watch and gasped.

"Oh my God, Daphne, I have to go!" I said picking myself up and dusting myself off. I had a paper to write, I had been putting it off for weeks, I only had two days left and it had to be really good!

"What?!?! Don't go now!" she said indignantly. "We were just starting to have fun!"

"Daphne!" I growled in frustration. "Je dois écrire mon papier! Tu as dit que ça prendrais seulement une heure! You know how important this paper is for my grade!" I yelled at her.

"Ce n'est pas grave parce-que tu ne peux pas conduire de toute façon. She mocked me. "Comment vas-tu rentrer?"

I saw Harry nudge Zayn out of the corner of my eye. Oh yeah, Harry knows French, awks...

"You can take our car, if you need to leave," Zayn said.

I stuck out my tongue at Daphne. "Thank you, so much, I need to get home."

"Sure, I'll go with you to make sure you don't get mauled by zombies or anything."

"Thanks, again." I said smiling at his zombie reference.

We walked towards Zayn's... car? I don't know, did the guys take a limo or something? I saw a few of the girls who had been following us peel off the larger group and start following us instead, just great 'cus I really want to deal with girls throwing themselves at my chauffeur. Wow, how many ordinary people can call Zayn Malik their chauffeur? Maybe chauffer isn't the right word in this situation... maybe accompanier? Is that even a word? I don't think so... Well now it is.

Zayn was looking at me, and I realized he had probably asked me a question. Oops, this is what you get for going off on a mental rant, I chided myself.

"What was that?" I asked him.

He smirked at me, "I asked why you were suddenly in such a rush."

"Oh, I have a paper due for my English class, I really should have done or at least started before today but I've just had so much stuff going on, and Daphne promised that this would only take an hour!" I explained. "Screw you, Daphne," I muttered under my breath.

"What was that?" He asked. But judging by the smirk on his face he heard me... Oops.

We got to the guys' vehicle and I climbed in to the passenger seat, Zayn was looking at me kind of weird before he realized that he wasn't in the UK and the wheel was on the other side of the car. I smiled at him, and he got in on the driver's side. As he started driving I could see him glancing at me out of the corner of my eye. What? Do I have something on my face? WHY are you looking at me?!?!

I cleared my throat, and did the only thing I could think of to relieve the tension that was so palpable in this enclosed space.

"What's your favorite color?"

He glanced over at me questioningly, "Umm... Blue or Red."

"Lovely! Hmmm..." I didn't actually feel like talking so I turned on the radio. You can't go wrong with that, especially when your accompanier (there it is again!) is a singer.

When the stereo turned on I was greeted with a blast of Justin Bieber.

"Sorry that's Niall's music," He pulled a face and made a move to turn off the Biebster, I grabbed his hand to stop him. Our eyes met and I couldn't look away, cliché, I know but I felt like he and I had a connection, or something. Hey maybe we're telepathetic! I thought, I smiled at my overactive brain and I pulled my hand away, he looked back at the road and the moment was over. I started to sing along with Justin.

If I was your boyfriend I'd never let you go keep you on my arm girl you'd never be alone, I could be a gentleman anything you want. If I was your boyfriend I'd never let you go never let you go.

Zayn was singing along with me and I smiled as he started singing the bridge

So give me a chance 'cause your all I need girl, spend a week with your boy, I'll be calling you my girlfriend.

He smiled at me and I was about to remind him to keep his eyes on the road when I realized we were way farther south than we needed to be.

"Uh, Zayn..."

"Yeah, babe?"

"We missed my exit..." I smiled sheepishly at him.

♫ Author's Note♫ (cus im so swaggie)

So i updated twice in a night cus I will be gone for the next two days and even though that has nothing to do with you (my lovely readers) I still felt the need to over compensate for my lack of stalking wattpad... cus im a loner! And so yeah you benefit from my thought process being SLIGHTLY messed up ;)

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