Wayne Reaction ~

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It has to be said that Damian al gulh prided himself in being broody and icy. At the beginning it was because that's what was expected from him. Not showing any emotions was good! Then he got sent to his father. It took him a while to change, but eventually certain select individuals pierced through his thick exterior.

He didn't break behaviour at school or in presence of certain people, he had a reputation to uphold! But when he was alone his facade always fell. He felt freeest when with Jon. His best friend. Then came Dick, wether he liked it or not, Dick had always been there for him and it was only fair that he got second place in the 'who knows Damian best?' contest. Of course this isn't a real thing. He's not changing THAT much.

Cass probably came third but he didn't see her as often.

Ah! And let's not forget Alfred! Alfred was probably tied in first place with Jon.

His other family members came after that in an order he had yet to determine (aka. Author doesn't want to think about it too hard cuz it's really not important).

But is 'father' certainly came last. He had never seen his son smile genuinely. It has to be said that he wasn't present in his son's life at all.

His mother didn't count at all.

So it was a shocker for almost everyone in the room when Damian threw his hands up in the air and left the room saying "welp! I think I'm in love!"

(I totally didn't steal that idea from a comment (thx~))

Damian, in his day to day life was trying to change. He was trying very hard. But it was difficult for many people to see him change and they always believed he would go back to his old ways. That made it difficult for Damian to change. He had his few select people that understood him, but the others had yet to learn. So in the span of a five minutes discussion he made the decision that he wanted to use this girl (that he may or may not have a crush on, because damn, she just stood up to his mother then escaped his mother) as an excuse to change.

And then he left, because he DID NOT want to deal with whatever was about to happen.

Jason's day had been interesting to say the least. First he gets stuck with TimDuty. Basically making sure Tim wasn't dead. Sometimes it was hard to tell. Usually pouring freezing cold water on him worked, but that's a story for another day~

Then he got called back to the mansion because of a break-in. He couldn't deny that he was happy at the distraction. Even sleep deprived Tim knew how to hide well.

He got there and found Damian. Then Bruce got home, then Alfred found them, then they were all in a sitting room with TALIA freakin al gulh, then some little badass girl metaphorically slaps Talia in the face and disappears into thin air. Right after telling him they were gonna meet again! He couldn't fucking wait. That was his new daughter (his only daughter but he'd always wanted one and you know what they say, no time like the present) and he was gonna make her happy again, because from the looks of it she had a pretty crapy life. He would wrap her in bubble wrap and nobody could contradict him.

He barely registered what Damian said, he didn't care anyway, the brat was probably complaining that his 'future wife' is cooler than him.

Jason left quickly too. He had to find more information on this mystery magic girl.

Sometimes, Bruce wondered what happened to his life. So distracted was he by what Damian said that he completely missed Talia making her exit. Well, fuck. Now he had to wait for 'ladybug' to come back to ask questions.


So. My main account rn is BabyClara on ao3. I really like the whole system better there, but I don't want to completly abandon wattpad cuz it literally takes 5 minutes more to post here too and I know I have a few (very few) (edit. I believe I have a few more now~ which is great for my ego)readers here. I'll update here if I remember to. You can ask me on my comment thread if there's another chapter that I just haven't posted, but I don't check this account often at all so it might take a little while if I forget.

Hope you enjoyed~

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