I'm bad at naming chapters. If you have any suggestions~

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Dear readers,

Sometimes I wonder why I love you all so much.

You left me all, to make a choice.

Let it be known that I DESPISE making choices!

Y'all threw me to the wolves even as I asked for help!!

(Dramatic much)

Anyway! This chapter is dedicated to @HiyafolksUwU becauseI like giving stuff and you've commented on my fic on all the time, thx! 😘


"JASON MOTHER FUCKING TODD WAYNE YOU BETTER HAVE THE BEST EXCUSE IN THE GODDAMN WORLD FOR MISSING OUR DATE YESTERDAY!!" Jason got a terrified look on his face while the rest of the batfam sent him pitying looks. His girlfriend (BET YOU WEREN'T EXPECTING THAT!! Hah!) could be scary as hell when she wanted to and she sounded angry as fuck right now... This was going to be extremely entertaining to watch!!! Even Bruce was looking gleeful.

"I came here to pick you up, like we agreed and Alfred opened the door saying you weren't here! And he wouldn't give me an explanation even tho I know he had one STILL HAVEN'T FORGIVEN YOU ALFRED, he just said to come back , which is today SO HERE I AM, START EXPLAINING" Jason mystery girlfriend said in one breath as she got closer and closer to the dining room till she was standing in the entry way, eyes narrowed onto Jason's guilty face, ignoring everything else in the room.

Dick had his phone out, no doubt filming, and he looked like a kid on Christmas. Tim was taking break from his computer and was lazily sipping his coffee while attentively watching what was about to unfold. Even Damian was grinning -wait no he wasn't, he's not there you moron, you need to beta read your chapters before posting them!- . Clearly Jason's torture was an excellent source of entertainment.

The silence was broken by none other than Marinette Todd walking into the room carrying way too many plates to be humanly possible, all stacked with food. A disaster waiting to happen with Marinette's known penchant for clumsiness

"You didn't tell me I was getting a mom out of this too Ja-" Plates dropped to the ground. Broken. Food everywhere. Ruined. Disaster happened. Not even because of clumsiness! (Goals! am I right??) Gasps of surprise from all around the room (because Mari looked more graceful this morning -no idiot, it's cuz they never saw her before!- right of course, back to the story), Jason's worried voice, Tim's broken wail about the coffee and pancakes being inedible now, Dick not knowing wether to laugh or not, who knows maybe Bruce adopted again while he was gone, all of it blocked out as the two girls stare at each other.

DundunDUN 😈


Who is this mysterious girlfriend~~

Another cliffhanger!!! Clearly I like seeing y'all suffer! 😇😇😇

I'd forgotten what it was like getting comments on my own fic, it's like the best feeling in the world, food for my soul~ my self confidence goes Through The Roof each time I get one, so thanks so much to everybody who comments, even just kudos, knowing I got so much is amazing, so thank you thank you thank you, I love you all so much ❤️❤️❤️

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