Chapter 24

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I woke up in a big bed, with a warm doona covering me. I slowly sat up, looking around the room. I didn't recognise where I was; I had never been here before. I slowly climbed out of the bed and stood up. Somehow I was in a man's shirt that fell past my bum. I frowned, how did I get into this?

I walked around the room, looking at everything including the closet. I worked out I was in a guy's room. OK, well that's awkward....

I stopped by the bathroom door to find a pair of clothes with a little note on it with my name - I opened the note and read:

Dear Isabelle,

You're probably really confused about where you are, am I right? Obviously... Well, you're at the Pack's house, along with everyone else who was at that psycho's place. You are in my room, here is a pair of clothes the Pack Maids gathered for you. Feel free to have a shower and go down to the kitchen, where you'll find Julie and the rest. There are a few rules you must follow:

1. Don't fight with the other pack members.

2. Don't touch any boys... At all!

3. You are not to leave the house. I have guards positioned all around the house and the forest.

Love, Kyle

Kyle, that's his name!

'Well done, idiot.' Lola sasses at me.

'But you have to agree, though... it is kinda hot.' I thought to her.

'Mmm, true.'

I shake my head and change into the one size-too-big shirt and fitting jeans, not bothering with a shower, only wiping my face and brushing my hair and teeth. I walked out of the bathroom all cleaned and refreshed, I sighed and walk towards the door.

I slowly walked down the wooden stairs, to what I guessed was the kitchen, because of all the chattering and noise. I made it to the bottom with out tripping:

*Pats self on back*

Lola rolls her eyes at that and laughs, when I tripped on the rug, quickly catching myself before I fell. I walk around the corner and see ten or so girls and about four boys sitting at a floating bench; the boys were sitting at the bench with a familiar red head, she turns around and her face lights up when she sees me.

"LUCY!" She shouts, running up to me, jumping in my arms and hugging me. I laugh and kiss her on the forehead, smiling.

"Hey Julie, how are you?" I ask, remembering that she was hurt when we got in the van.

She giggles and shakes her head "I'm fineee."

I laugh, roll my eyes and look over her, towards the wolves. An awkward silence comes between us, then I smelt the most delicious smell EVER!

"Is-is that pancakes?" I asked shrilly to the woman who was cooking at the stove, facing us.

She looked up, smiling, and laughed. "Yes dear, it is, would you like some?" She asks.

I smile like it's my birthday and nod eagerly. "I would love some, thank you."

Everyone laughed at my enthusiasm, Julie grabbing my hand, pulling me towards the counter, pushing me into an empty seat and sitting herself on my lap, waiting for God's food... mmm, pancakes.

"Here you go dear, and some for you too." The lady says, placing a large plate of pancakes in front of us.

I smile, quickly taking one and eating it along with Julie.

"God and I thought Kyle.. loved pancakes..." One of the men grunted to an elderly looking guy as he smacked his hands around the lady's waist, kissing her on the neck. I smiled and continued to eat.

"I'm Molly and this is Michel, we're Kyle's parents."

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