Meeting the Drunk Lycanthrope

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The drunk lycanthrope was a new one, Reyna mused to herself. It was mid-November, and she was sorta cold. To be fair, she went from Puerto Rico, to a tropical island, to San Francisco, so it was rather chilly in London. Seeking a warm drink, she walked into a pub, nearly walking right back out after sensing the werewolf.

But this werewolf was a. in human form, and b. so drunk it wouldn't be attacking anyone anytime soon. Looking at the lycanthrope she felt pity. And curiosity. Having time, and being sober, she decided to sit right next to the poor man. Of course, she didn't lose all sense of caution. Her hand hovered over her silver pocket knife.

She ordered a warm virgin apple cider, forgoing the alcohol. She was curious enough to use her empowerment and share her curiosity. She took on some of his grief. Yes, Reyna was cheating but she was really curious and felt like she needed to do this. Eventually the wolf seized her up. "You're not a muggle." He said simply. "You're not a witch either. What are you?"

She gave him another once over. Taking in his bloodshot eyes and somewhat slurred voice. He had probably been drinking a while to get that intoxicated with his werewolf blood. "So you are a wizard? As well as a werewolf?"

He glared slightly. His scars more prominent. "Again, what are you?" His brown eyes flashed a steely amber.

Reyna sent some calming vibes, stealing some of the distrust. "I am a traveler."

"That's not what I meant."

"I studied under a sorceress for a couple years." Reyna let the familiar purple color of her magic hover above her fingers. "My magic is merely a blessing, it used a potion to activate, in focusless, and requires to pull the energy from other objects, plus your own core to manifest. My kind tend to have more of a core than mortals, or muggles as you put it."

"As fascinating as that magic seems, what a lovely half answer." Remus retorted, forgetting his half finished beer.

"It is unimportant, and frankly I don't trust you yet. I feel I already gave away too much." Reyna shot back, enjoying their bantering.

"I don't trust you either."

"I know." Reyna admitted. "It's obvious."

"I don't even know why I'm talking to you." Remus mused.

"Misery loves company, and I figure that I'm the most company you've had in a while." Reyna retorted softly.

"I suppose." He gave her another calculating once over. "I'm Remus Lupin."

"Reyna. So Lupin, do you want to tell your story?" after all, she still didn't like her last name, even after she came to terms with her past.

"Can you swear you won't divulge my story or use it against me Reyna?" Remus asked carefully.

"I swear it on the River Styx that I will not attack Remus Lupin, nor will I divulge his story, except in life or death circumstances." Reyna checked her proviso, so that the vow won't be broken.

Thunder boomed. "That is weird." Remus said.

"No, that means the river accepted my oath." Reyna corrected. She had taken to swearing on the River Styx, as well as Iris Messaging. Some Greek methods were convenient. 

And with that, Remus Lupin launched into his tragic tale.

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