Chapter 1

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I receive a phone call from my best friend Dakota. It doesn't take me long to pick up.

Dakota just starts talking as soon as I answer, "You're home right?"

It's nothing out of the ordinary for us, so it doesn't phase me. "Obviously, where else would I go, Dax?"

Dakota seems hesitant when they say their next words, "I don't know. You've been distant recently."

That makes a lot of sense, "Wait, you tracked my phone didn't you?"

Dax seems fine and is back to normal. They don't seem like anything is really off one way or another, "Yep. I'm on my way. Be ready."

And with that, the phone call ends. I wonder where we're going this time. I'm so not in the mood for this right now, but if it gets Dakota off my back for the time being, then so be it.

Okay. I have 15 minutes to get ready to go somewhere or nowhere. Yeah, nowhere is a possibility because who knows if we're just going for a drive or to theirs or their dad's.

Well, Dakota is here. That honk came from very close outside that it couldn't be at a neighbour's house.

Welp, it's time to go. Where are those damn keys? Oh yeah, I left them in my other coat.

After walking out the door and locking up, I notice Dakota's driving their 2015 Chevy Silverado 1500 LTZ 4x4. This means only one thing. "Going for a drive today?" I say while climbing into the passenger side.

Dakota doesn't even look surprised, "My baby gave it away, didn't it?"

I easily reply, "You know it. We always go for a drive in the truck. Dead giveaway."

We sit in silence as we find ourselves getting onto the backroads eventually turning into dirt. I don't know the area to a T, but I'm getting good with the general area. We do this quite often. We connect over driving. It brings us peace or the fact that we're always in the middle of nowhere on the outskirts of suburbs and cities.

Dakota finally speaks up, "So, what's been going on with you recently? I haven't heard or seen you."

I respond keeping my cool, "Pretty much nothing. Just been sleeping mostly when I'm not working."

Dakota does not believe me for one second, "That can't be all. You're usually such a chatterbox."

I deflect, "Well, every chatterbox needs time to regenerate. Now is the time to rest so I can be back to my normal self." Hopefully, that's enough of an answer. I can't tell them what's going on this time. I know they're my best friend, but this time is different.

Dakota eases up as they speak again, "That is very true. Everyone gets burned out at some point. Just tell me next time that's what's happening, okay?"

Whatever the equivalent of rolling your eyes is but with your voice is how I respond next, "Okay, mom."

"Someone's getting the hang of sarcasm," laughs Dakota.

Lost in thinking about everything. There's so much going on at home, and I'm not able to tell anyone about it; because if I do, all hell breaks loose. This may be the end of everything that I once knew if I don't play my cards correctly.

I'm pulled from my half-thinking-sleep state from a text. It reads, "Have you made your decision yet?"

"No. I need more time," I type back.

The number responds, "24 hours. After that, you know what happens." And, that's the last text.

Ugh. They are seriously the worst. I don't even know how we got involved with this person to begin with. This random person just found me and gave me the instructions, but mom knew what was happening.

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