Chapter 3

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I cheerfully ask, "Who's up for jack and coke and some water to end this night off?"

Dakota pipes in to make sure everyone's still up to party, "On the house, so everyone's getting one!"

The guy Dakota was dancing with happily says, "I was gonna get one regardless."

The chick inquires as to how this is possible, "You can get our drinks on the house? That's sick. This one's a keeper when it comes to friends. Free drinks. Hell yeah!"

I get a little serious as I correct her, "Dakota is way more than a free drink buddy. But yeah, they are pretty great."

She doesn't let it go. She is persistent with her next question, "So, I can just use Dakota's name and get free service?"

This time I get all the party and chill out of my voice until the very end. She's not winning this one. I can't let her think she can walk over people, especially Dax. I state, "Not at all. Dax has gotta be the one to go up and get it. Nice try though."

She's calmly livid as she answers, "Dammit."

The guy responds so chill like in a crisis intervention setting, "Chillax lady. At least you're getting a free drink tonight and you got to dance with 3 great people."

That was so sweet, especially coming from a stranger. I blush, "Aww. Thanks dude."

Dakota comes back announcing, "I come bearing drinks. When we finish these, we can just chill at the bar later for those waters to rehydrate."

"That sounds like a plan," the guy nods as he takes a drink from Dax.

"Thanks for a fun night and getting my head out of my ass," she winks to the random guy.

I slide closer to Dax taking a drink from them, "Thanks for the drinks Dax." I stay lounged on them as I drink from the glass.

Dax responds, "Anytime bro."

And with that, we dance some more until our drinks are finished. But, I was already feeling the effects of the alcohol on my body even before that last drink. I typically don't lounge on Dax when we go out unless we're planning on staying with each other, but this alcohol is affecting me more than I thought.

It could be the fact that I've gone through so much emotionally draining things recently and/or the fact that I don't know when we will be able to do this again. But there's something about tonight, it's been very unusual. From the time Dax picked me up from the house to our spot to now. I can't name it, but even though shit feels off, it feels so right.

Even though my mind is wandering all over the place, it feels freeing to let loose and dance with these people in the club. A nice break from reality knowing what's about to hit tomorrow.

Shit. I'm supposed to be sober tomorrow and this alcohol has affected me more than I thought. I should start working on the rehydrating.

I cut this party off with a close as I announce, "Guys. Thanks for a fun evening. It's time for me to sober up. Maybe, I'll see y'all around."

I am surprised with what I hear next but not really because we've spent the night together. She asks, "You cool with hugs bro?"

I gladly welcome it, "Bring it in."

"Group hug! I'm comin in!" the dude exclaims.

Dakota talking in toasts says, "To a fan-fuckin-tastic night with these lads!" while joining the group hug as well.

After the hug finishes, I start walking over to the bar. This is when I know something is off. Either I've been dancing too long or I really am emotionally drained and the alcohol made it worse or a combination. It's taking a lot of effort to walk. I can still feel my coordination is off, and my head feels sluggish for some reason even though I didn't have a full blown mental breakdown.

Dax can sense this because they instantly question me, "Ollie, you okay?" At the same time Dax is taking me by the waist to help me with my walking and coordination.

"I don't know Dax, but I do know I need some water and need to sit down," I manage to say completely normal.

Dax sounds completely concerned, "We're almost to the bar. Just hang on a little longer."

"Okay," I say very weakly.

Dax tells me to sit down as he helps me into a bar stool chair. Then they start looking around for something or someone. I whisper, "Dax, who are you looking for?"

Dax ignores me but acknowledges that I'm coherent. They spot who they're looking for, "Avery! Water now. And, come over here quickly." Avery did just that. Dax hands me the water and tells me to drink slowly. Dakota's eyes are fully laced with concern.

Dax whispers to Avery, "Tell Wren that no one can get in or out. We are on lockdown and if anyone has left tonight, we need access to all the cameras."

Avery confirms, "On it."

Avery starts to text Wren. Avery reads softly aloud as they text, "Alert. Dakota's putting us on lockdown. No one in or out. And, we need access to cameras from tonight."

Avery gets a text back soon after; they read, "On it. Any particular reason?"

Avery replies back, " Don't know yet." And that's the last of the texts. That was a lot of focusing. I think I'm done now.

Dax starts questioning me again, "Oliver, how are you feeling buddy?"

I am slow to process and recognize what's happening around me. People are speaking slowly. Everything is being done slowly, "Huh? What are you saying?"

Dakota declares, "Shit. This is worse than I thought," to no one in particular.

"What's going on Dakota? You clearly know something's up and what it is," challenges Avery.

Dax dismisses Avery, "Not now Avery. Help me get Oliver to the back. He probably won't be able to help himself walk even with help." Dax is probably right about that one.

Avery follows directions without questioning, "Okay."

Dakota faces me, "Oliver, it's time to go."

I instantly ask my first question, "Time for sleep?"

Dax replies, "Not yet buddy."

I don't know what's happening now. Dax helped me to the bar because my coordination was off and to help me get rehydrated before we left. But, something happened. I feel the complete opposite of how I should, and all I've had is water since sitting down.

It's like my speech is slurred and slower. It's like it takes even longer to recognize when something is being said to me or when I need to do something or when I need to respond. So that's my processing and motor skills and maybe comprehension skills too? Shit. I don't know what the fuck's happening. This sounds like I'm one of those head cases in those many books that Dax is going on about.

Next thing I know is that Avery and Dakota are walking me to the back of the club away from patrons. I didn't even realize that we started walking.

Next thing I hear is Dax instructioning Avery, "not a word of this to anyone."

Avery remarks, "Dakota, I don't even know what's going on. You're not saying anything."

I start laughing at the two of them, "You guys are funny. We need more drinks! Let's keep this party going."

Dakota cautions me, "Ollie, you don't need anymore alcohol. You need time to sober up and fast so you can sleep before you go to your mom's." Dax then addresses Avery, "we're gonna put him on the couch but make sure he stays up right and doesn't fall asleep. I don't want to call an ambulance tonight, so make sure he stays awake." It's a good thing I'm half out of it because I sure as hell would want to know why an ambulance needs to be called on my ass. 

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