Chapter One (Part III)

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"Jenny?" Chad said. When she didn't react, he reached out to touch her arm. "Jenny."

It was the touch that triggered her. Jenny turned back to the man staring at her with creased brows, but she couldn't take her mind from the sight of her sister. She turned back, heartbeat increasing with fear that she would disappear again. She was still there, though, walking through the barrier and heading into the lower level of diners. Jenny guessed they wouldn't stop there. Something told her they would disappear to the secret world above.

Jenny could barely catch her breath. Her sister was alive. She couldn't stop the trembling or memories flood her mind of a time that now seemed ages ago, but Jenny had suffered those years apart in terror; they were all revisited as she watched her ethereally beautiful sister in a life she hadn't thought she would find.

"Ah," Chad said as his eyes found the object of her attention. "That's why I wanted to bring you here. She frequents the place," he explained, not realizing Jenny's hand had clenched around the brown paper, surprise and shock leaving way to a wave of anger she hadn't thought she'd discover inside of her. "Then when I saw her, I knew. She's, well, y'know."

Vampire. She took in the details as she recalled her eighteen-year-old sister in perfect detail. The way her hair framed her face, her eyes smiled before her lips did, the way she would walk as if a naiad had discovered feet and only then was using them.

The way she would sing to Jenny after he had taken the whip on her over Jenny's mistake.

There she was. Jenny's savior.

She'd hoped for life. She had hoped for a body. She hadn't thought what that life would mean, especially after how she had been taken.

"Jacquelyn." It was a whisper. However, as her sister stopped, then turned, she found those smiling eyes staring at her with shock and recognition. There was no masking that familiar face, of the knowledge in her eyes. That was her sister. They had met.

Thirteen years. Jenny had been a fool.

Before she could consider what she was doing, Jenny jumped off the barstool and was on her way towards the door. "Jenny?" Chad called, but she didn't stop. Run, she told herself. Run before she finds you. Chad's words came to her, adding to the wounds already in her heart.

She's one of them. She's a vampire now. How could she abandon Jenny?

"Jenny!" It was a sound, so old yet familiar. Jenny pushed a dancer who got in her way, an exclamation telling her it was a woman. A hard body was harder to push, a glance up showing a face she thought familiar. It was the scrutinizing scowl that reminded her of the alleyway. She went around him.

She'd barely pushed the door open before she was charging down the alleyway at breakneck speed, sneakered feet determined to cover as much ground as possible. She went all the way down the road, heading towards the busiest road, thighs pumping hard, lungs working for the oxygen to replenish in her body.

Jacquelyn was alive.

She stopped at no particular wall. It was before a lovely little shop selling all things chocolate, hidden between a shopping chain and a business complex. Jenny allowed herself the time to breathe then, lungs begging for more air but her eyes tried to dispel tears she hadn't thought to cry for a long time.

It had always been 'find Jacquelyn'. Survive, she always told herself. Survive the horrors, survive the schools, survive the homes, and find Jacquelyn.

She'd found her, the sarcastic part of her mind replied. She had found her sister. She clutched her aching chest as she leaned over, taking deep breathes to dispel the terrible pain inside her. It wasn't from running. It was a hard wedge of betrayal as she thought of all the things she had gone through without her sister around.

Jenny lowered onto the ground, wrapped her arm around herself, and wept into the crook of her knees. It didn't even matter what Jacquelyn could possibly be. She had left and never come back.

"No time for that."

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