Chapter 6 (A travel)

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So, I didn't just write this. I always have what I call a backup chapter, basically when I post a chapter, I already have the chapter after it done... incase I lose motivation, which has happened. So, I'll post this chapter. It's a bit crappy not gonna lie though. 


Chapter 6

John POV

We were sitting in the wagon (just search up 'medieval wagon' for reference), about 3 PM. Wagons were the cheapest way of transport, after all they weren't comfortable. But the people who drive them would only take you to the next town over. But it would work for now.

I look at Hercules and Lafayette talking and laughing, I don't get how they aren't already dating by now!

I glanced at Alex, to my surprise he was asleep, did he not get any sleep last night? I mean, I guess so, he had eyebags when I found him. He really needs-

I felt a weight suddenly on my shoulder, I looked over to see Alex's head rested on my shoulder...

I heard giggling and snapped my head towards Hercules and Laffayette who were giggling at us "Mon ami, you've got a crush?" Lafayette giggled

"Shut up! You two have no room to talk!" I said motioning to the both of them. They were now blushing like two tomatoes which got me laughing.


Gosh... Alex looked even cuter in the moonlight his hair wasn't tied up in a ponytail like it usually was, he was also sleeping peacefully... wait what? John, com'on stay focussed.

Alex sat up all of the sudden which kinda made me jump

"Oh sorry for surprising you..." Alex apologized

"No no! You shouldn't apologize, it's fine!" I replied. He smiles as he leans back. We were in silence, not awkward really just a silence.

To my surprise Alex gets up and starts to walk out of the wagon which had stopped moving because it was time to sleep.

"Where are you going?" I asked.

"On a walk... You wanna come?" Alex responded calmly.

"Y-yeah sure" I followed him out of the wagon

"Wow it really is nice out at night" Alex smiled. I looked at the moonlit road and next to it forest, it really was beautiful.

"Mhm" I responded dreamily.

"C'mon let's go!" he grabbed my hand and we started to walk into the forest.

We had come across a nice opening with a lake, it had turtles... frik.

"OOo!" I said, pulling my hand out of Alex's grasp and walked to the lake where the turtles were.

"Haha you like turtles?" He teased

"They are just so cute!"

"Yeah they are." he said as he sat next to me.

I pulled out my sketch book from my bag and started to draw. Mindlessly.

I was drawing the turtle of course.

"Wow you're really good at drawing" Alex said quietly which made me jump a bit.

"O-oh uh thanks..." I said, blushing a bit. "I like to draw a lot"

Alex smiled softly "You're welcome..."


"Hey we should probably get back." I said as I put my sketchbook back in my bag, but when I looked over at Alex I saw that he was asleep... Adorable... wait- John you did it again.

Frick. How am I gonna get him too the Wagon... I don't want to wake him up...

I sighed as I decided to pick him up 'bridal style' as they said.

Too my surprise he was lighter than I expected, I mean I knew he was small, like what 5'4? 5'5? But he was lighter than I expected. I mean he wasn't like a feather hell no he's still a full person but... he feels like he's been malnourished...

I put my thoughts aside as I make the small journey back to the wagon. Glancing at the adorable Alexander is my arms... gosh he is so cute JOHN-


I woke up to a moving wagon, Lafayette and Hercules talking, and Alex writing like there was no tomorrow.

"Hey Alex what are you writing?" I asked, which made Alex jump.

"Gosh- John you need to stop surprising me like that!" He giggled.

"Sorry! I don't mean too- anyways you haven't answered the question." I responded.

"Oh- uh- y-yeah, I was writing a poem." he said, while he put the piece of paper in his bag.

"Can I see it?"



"Did that actually work?"

We both bursted out into laughter.


The sun was setting as we all were doing random things.

I was drawing, Alex was writing, Hercules was sewing, and Lafayette was just practicing english.


"Did you hear that?" Asked Alex in a hushed voice while he sat up.

"Hear what?" I asked


"Sh.." Alex hushed.


We heard a bang, followed by a yelp and then the sound of horses galloping away.


"Lets hope there are actual supplies in this one" A raspy voice hissed.

"Well what are we waiting for?" Another cackled.

"Ok guys," Alex whispered "we have two options, fight or flight."

"Fight obviously" Hercules said "All in favor say I."

"I" we all said at once.

"Then it's decided." Alex stated "we've gotta be ready."

I readied my bow, Hercules and Laffayette got out there swords, and Alex... he had magic so.

About four men suddenly came in sight with swords readied, they all looked like bandits, and had masks.

"Adventures! Attack!" One of them yelled as another came barrelling towards Alex to which he responded to by making a arcanic shield nocking the guy back,

Quickly another came towards me, but I monvered behind Hercules a bit and shot out an arrow, which grazed his arm-

The same guy then went after Lafayette to which Hercules fought him, which gave Lafayette time to help Alex out.

I grabbed a sleeping arrow and shot the guy that was about to steal Alex's bag, to which he yelped and began to sleepily run towards me to which I shot another arrow, making him just flop on the floor-


I looked to Hercules who had flung the man he was fighting off the wagon and onto the mud which knocked him out cold. Only two left.

I was broken out of my thoughts by a guy knocking me down, I attempted to block the attack he did with my arm, which kinda worked but I now had a piercing pain through my arm. My vision blurred.

I faintly saw the man get flown back before fading to black.

(1030 words) 

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