Chapter 22

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-Malachi's POV-

I sighed in relief when Sasha told me where Bayley was. Nothing was wrong after all. I was so happy that I grabbed Sasha a snack on the way there. It wasn't anything special; just a Dr. Pepper and a Rice Krispies Treat.

What made me feel even more relieved was that the creepy dude was gone. Hopefully, I would never have to see him again.

Sasha opened the door to let me inside her hotel room, and there Bayley was. I sighed in relief, setting our food down and handing Sasha her snacks. She sat in the corner, looking thrilled with the morsels.

"Sorry if I was acting weird, it's justtherewasthisguyandhewasacting-" Bayley put a finger to my lips as I spoke, cutting off my rambling. Now that we were safe and together, everything was good again. She filled me in on the details of her visit with Sasha.

"I might actually have...?"

"Yes, you dolt. You might have actually gotten me pregnant," Bayley repeated, annoyed. As happy as this should have made me, sadness overwhelmed me. My parents had always longed for grandchildren, and... well, they died before I got the chance to marry a nice girl and settle down.

"So what are we going to do?" I asked uncertainly. Sasha offered no ideas from her spot in chair in the corner, and Bayley also seemed to be drawing a blank. Finally, I came up with a solution, "Take the next few weeks off due to 'injury'. That way, your story with Charlotte builds. By then, you'll know whether or not you've got my kid in your gut."

"Good enough for me. If only we could get you some time off..." Bayley's voice trailed off, but it did not hide the trace of disappointment. She was coming off work just so I could go back in. It wasn't fair for either of us.

"Babe, you know I'm dying to get back into the ring," I said softly, my hand on her arm. The look on her face was hard to read, but I saw defeat. She knew I'd stay with her if she asked me to, but she also knew how much I was itching for some action.

After all, I'd achieved the Intercontinental Championship on my first night, only to get shot soon afterwards. I wanted my belt back, and this time I didn't want my reign to be stained with red. Not that I had desired it the first time, but still...

"And now we wait!" Sasha chimed in cheerfully after taking a swig of her soda. The nerve of that woman. We'd all forgiven what she'd done to Finn and Bayley, but there was still that lingering doubt, Did she actually mean what she did, or was it as she says it was? Just a prank?

-Bayley's POV-

The days passed by, and it was finally time for Malachi's return to live TV. Rumors had been circulating his disappearance for quite some time. The media had confirmed that he was shot, but no other reliable information was out there on the web. People speculated that Malachi wouldn't be back until it was time to build him a match for Wrestlemania.

After all, he had to forfeit his title. Fans theorized that he would go after his title as a heel and absolutely tear whoever won the title next apart. The match was going to be Montez Ford versus Ali at Hell in a Cell. Ali was favored to win.

The night started out pretty standard. You know, a couple of matches and a promo, whatnot, but finally, there was the newest episode of Firefly Funhouse. Bray stood on camera, having an incomprehensible argument with Ramblin' Rabbit. Neither of them seemed to be aware of the camera.

Suddenly, Bray looked over and gasped, accidentally hitting Rabbit off of the screen. The childish laughing played as Bray struggled to keep the Rabbit out of frame. Bray was smiling, but his eyes told a different story. It was hard to tell whether it was fear or anger.

"Hey Fireflies! Something very special is happening today!" Bray began, checking to make sure Ramblin' Rabbit wasn't trying to sneak back in. Once he was satisfied, he turned back to the camera and continued, "We're getting a new friend in the Funhouse!"

"Is that what I am?" someone said from off screen. Into frame stepped a slender man in a pitch black suit. His undershirt and cuffs were purple, along with his pocket liner. He stared at Bray Wyatt like an inferior, his blue eyes staring right through the fun-loving host.

"Why don't you introduce yourself?" Bray offered, and this mysterious new man turned to face the camera. His complexion was as pale as ever, but his usually untidy mop of ginger hair was combed down and swept neatly to the side.

"Fine. My name is Minos, and I am the new leader of the Firefly Funhouse." Minos readjusted his jacket for effect, and Bray began to speak up, but a menacing glare from Minos shut him right up. There was a murderous gleam in his eyes, and it seemed like he really was the new leader of the Funhouse.

"I've heard tales of this 'Fiend' creature, and I've come to investigate these... stories," Minos continued, staring right into the camera. The lights flickered to the normal red, as if the Fiend were about to appear, but then they faded to a regal purple. Malachi, unfazed, carried on, "I've dealt with my fair share of monsters in the past, so let me tell you this: this untamed thing will be unstoppable under my instruction. If you thought you weren't ready before..."

The lights returned to normal, and Minos' face was emotionless, as if nothing had ever happened. Bray was now gone from the screen, and on came Ramblin' Rabbit. He started yelling for someone (he was trying to call out someone specific) to run, but Minos snatched him up and tore his little head clean off in one swift motion.

"That's one less loose end," he muttered, dropping the Rabbit in front of him. There wasn't trace of remorse as he wiped the 'blood' from his hands.

With a second flickering of red to purple, the screen blackened. Minos was gone, and in his place stood Bray, holding the bloody corpse of Ramblin' Rabbit. Bray began to cry, and then turned to the camera and laughed, waving goodbye to all of the Fireflies.

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