Chapter 23

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-Malachi's POV-

I felt great after making my reappearance, and I was thrilled to discover that the WWE Universe was eating it up. Theories were emerging about what was going on, and they were really fun to read. Their ideas ranged from the shooting being a hoax and Bray being behind it to me having some superhuman kind of will. It helped Bray and I string together better ideas of where we wanted to go with the Minos character.

With the show out of the way, however, Bayley and I had the night to ourselves. I wanted to spend some quality time with her in case... you know. If she actually was pregnant, Bayley was going to be spending a lot less time on the road, while I would be competing weekly.

It was funny how we'd accepted this possibility of pregnancy with no real reason, but neither of us had an issue with it. Bayley seemed really open to becoming a mom, and I supported her in that. Was I ready to be a father? No, of course not. Any man who says he is ready is flat out lying.

"What should we do tonight, Bay?" I asked, my arm around her shoulders. She sat cuddled into me, not speaking a word. This was great, but I didn't want to do it all night. I wanted to go do something with her.

"Should we go for a swim down in the pool?" Bayley offered, sitting up from her seat and stretching. That was all fine and dandy, but it was 11.00 at night. The hotel's pool was closed until the following morning.

"It's closed, isn't it?" I replied, and she looked up at me with a superior smirk. I'd come to know this particular look, and I received it whenever I said something that she found particularly dumb.

"Are you not used to being a celebrity yet?" She laughed at my humble thinking, and I shrugged. Bayley had much less of an issue using her fame to get things than I did. For me, I didn't want my fame to consume me, but I'm not saying she was a bad person for doing it. She never tried to get free stuff from people or what not, but say she wanted to eat at a restaurant after it closed, and the manager recognized her... she was going to be eating at that restaurant.

So we got up and began to dig through our suitcases, and I pulled out my normal navy-blue trunks. Bayley, on the other hand, found a fiery red bikini. I stared at it imagining how hot she would look in it. Then I smiled, knowing I would get to find out in a minute. Damn, I loved my life. 

"Like it? I just got it the other day while you were at the gym," she said, blushing. We both stripped down and tugged our swim gear on, then redressed as if we'd put on underwear. We didn't want to look like those people. You know, the ones that get ready for something, then you really don't have a choice but to let them.

Bayley led me down to the lobby, and I stayed behind while she talked to the guy at the front desk. He obviously recognized her, but I couldn't tell if she was flirting or not. Either way, the pool was magically unlocked when we went to use it.

We stripped off our outer layers and slipped into the cool water, shivering as our bodies adjusted to the temperature. I started doing laps, but Bayley relaxed in the shallow end and watched me instead.

"You go boo," she giggled, and I dove under the water. Bayley didn't think anything of this... until I popped up right in front of her. It was almost enough to make her scream, but her panic subsided when I pressed my lips against hers.

"Gotcha," I commented, and she slapped my arm. The sound was so loud it echoed throughout the room, but hotel pools did that anyways.

"So what should we do now that we're here?" she asked suggestively, and I laughed. This was a side of Bayley I never used to see. This was the side that wasn't always so innocent. The woman with me in that pool was not the same girl I knew when I got fired from FCW.

"We can video call Caleb and brag to him about being in the pool," I replied casually, staring her right in the eyes. It was obvious that what she wanted me to say, and I positively refused to give in. I was a lot more open to things now, but sex in a public pool was still a no go.

"No use. He's literally got a pool in his backyard, not to mention hot tub in his lakeside home."

"Fair point. He'd strip to his boxers and cannonball into whatever just to spite us."

So we talked. For the rest of the night, we talked about things we didn't normally talk about: Caleb... Thomas... our jobs... our future...

The sun was in the sky before we realized it was morning. People were making their way into the lobby to head over to the dining area. We sat around all night (we got out of the pool after about an hour) shooting the breeze.

"I'm tempted to just stay here," I sighed, sinking in my beach chair. Bayley looked over and scoffed, annoyed at my laziness.

"I, for one, would like the morning to myself." Bayley got up and walked by me, gasping when I gave her butt an upward spank. What? It was nice and thick, especially in the bikini! She wrapped a towel around herself, looking uncomfortable when people gazed in at her.

That was one thing that always confused me. Fame really seemed to bother her... or at least, in comparison to me. She just wanted to wrestle in peace, which was why she often considered creating a new outfit with a mask. Popularity was never important to her.

Fame was never my drive either, but I loved meeting my fans. It gave me hope that maybe, just maybe... my parents weren't disappointed in me after all. They always talked about how they wanted me to live my life for God, but I think they just wanted me to make a difference.

Well, whenever a fan showed me their scarred forearms and told me I'd saved their life, I felt like I was making the biggest impact possible. If preventing people from committing suicide wasn't my parents' idea of a living a good life, then I wasn't sure I wanted to meet their expectations.

Bayley left promptly, and I sat alone by the pool. People came and people went, and a few stopped to say hello. Many just did a double take and moved along, figuring I didn't want to be bothered. I developed this stillness, watching the kids splash around while their parents laughed and encouraged their fun.

I wanted to be one of those parents someday. I wanted to sit back and enjoy life as I watched my children play and grow. Most of all, I wanted to do it with Bayley by my side. Only then would I be happy.

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