Chapter 28

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-Malachi's POV-

Vince McMahon is a stubborn bastard. He's fire one of my best friends before even hearing her side of the story, which sounds really odd. Why would he do that? I begged for him to just hear her side of the story and then do the deed, but he wouldn't

"Then suspend her! Make her pay a fine! Anything but this shit!" I yelled, finally having lost my patience. Despite my best efforts, Vince McMahon had fired Tara Cooper on the night of her main roster debut. I was beyond the breaking point, but so was he.

"Listen here," he growled in a tone barely higher than a whisper. Despite invoking the anger of the Chairman of the WWE, I wasn't scared. I'd come too far to be a coward. He continued, "You're lucky I don't fire you on the spot for the way you're talking to me. Witnesses say that Tara started that fight, and if all the witnesses are in agreement, then I don't need to launch an investigation. Tara is fired, and that is final!"

"Who'd you ask, Ric Flair?"

"Now you-"

"Whatever. What's the plan for Charlotte? It was a two way brawl. Are you going to fire her too?"

"I'm not going to do a damn thing to her! She hit Tara in self defense."

"Saving your piggy bank, huh? This is bullshit and you know it!" I was out the door before he had a chance to fire me or even simply tell me off. My next task wouldn't be so easy, however.

No way in hell was I going to let Vince McMahon or any of his puppets tell her that she wouldn't be coming back into work next week. This was a job for me, and me alone.

Then there was the subject of work. Did I really feel like coming back to work the following week? With Tara fired, it didn't seem right to do so. All things considered, I still had my other friends and even my girlfriend to worry about. What would happen to them if I packed up and left?

-Bayley's POV-

"Malachi, what's the matter? Where are you going?" I asked softly, hoping to get a few answers from my boyfriend, but the energy from his body nearly melted me as he stormed by... and not in the good way, either.

"I'll tell you later, back in the hotel room," he mumbled, throwing his stuff in his bag and searching through his contacts. He hadn't changed out of his Minos outfit, and he would have looked insanely hot had he not been angry enough to snap someone's neck.

"Babe, what happened?" I asked a little more forcefully. He cast a sideways glare my way as he tore off the top half of his suit. I got no reply, so I repeated again in a more demanding tone, "Malachi. Tell me what happened right now."

"FINE!" he snapped, turning around to face me. Intimidating was never something I considered Malachi to be, but here he was... and even intimidating wasn't the right word. Nah, it was terrifying "TARA'S BEEN FIRED! I'm on my way to go tell her. Anymore questions?"

"Nah bro," I sighed, slipping away from him. I didn't want to be around him anymore. His attitude wasn't something I was going to hold against him at a later date, especially considering the circumstances, but the man in there wasn't the same as the man who survived a bullet to the chest.

This was a side of Malachi that had never been revealed to me before. I didn't think anything could make him this enraged, but apparently his friend getting fired could. I wished I had seen the first blow in the fight. All I remembered was a cry of pain and Charlotte falling, but I didn't see what happened prior. Apparently, that's about all that anybody saw.

I found that to be bullshit, considering how crowded that hallway was. How did everyone either miss the fight, or automatically reply that it was Tara who started it? No one could (or rather, would) give a detailed description of the argument that caused the fight.

My only remaining guess to defend Tara was the idea that Charlotte bought everyone off, but even that sounded stupid and crazy. Maybe it was just Tara who started the fight.

Maybe Charlotte finally pushed her past the breaking point, so Tara flat-out dropped Charlotte like a sack of potatoes. It wouldn't be the first time she stood up to some bitch who was giving her shit. If there was one thing to be known about Tara Cooper, it was that she had one helluva right hook.

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