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"Run Lily, take the twins. He's coming. Quick!" James Potter yelled as he took out his wand from his pocket. James heard him before he even saw the Dark Lord. The Dark Lord blasted open the door, stunned James and hesitated. The Dark Lord wanted to kill the man so badly, but thought about it. He only wanted to kill the child. The Dark Lord shook his head and continued on the stairs. 

Lily Potter was just putting the kids into the cribs which they both shared and was immediately hit by a stunning spell from the back. The Dark Lord entered the room and walked towards the crib. He saw a girl and a boy staring back at him. The girl had brown eyes with brown hair, and had no magic radiating off of her. But the boy, oh the boy. The boy had black hair with a pair of Avada Kedavra colored eyes, the green eyes so bright it reminded the Dark Lord about the mighty killing curse. And magic. The magic coming off of Harry was powerful, extremely powerful. The Dark Lord had made up his decision. He pointed his wand at Harry and said, "Sorry little one. You could join me, but I know better. Your parents would never allow it." 


A flash of green light covered the room, a beam fell from the ceiling and hit Evelyn Potter, causing a diamond scar on her forehead which was perfectly normal, Harry was thrown back against the wall, unconscious and bleeding. But what is this? The killing curse rebounded back to the Dark Lord, leaving a lightning scar on Harry's forehead. The killing curse killed the Dark Lord, and what was left of the feared Dark Lord was only a spirit. The spirit ran away and flew out of the window. The lightning scar on Harry's forehead was glowing gold.

Not 5 minutes later after the Dark Lord was defeated, Sirius Black arrived finding his best friend and his godson. Sirius saw James unconscious on the floor and said the counter charm. Sirius immediately enveloped James into a hug. James laughed and patted Sirius on his black. "I'm alright Black, we need to check on Lily, and the twins." 

Black nodded and together they climbed up the stairs. James immediately said the counter curse on Lily, an picked up Evelyn. Black went to the back of the room, where Harry lied unconscious. Sirius wiped away the remaining blood, and messed up Harry's hair. Harry soon awake and smiled when seeing Sirius's face. Lily and James were fussing over Evelyn. As soon as they made sure everyone was ok, they apparated back to Potter Castle. Dumbledore was waiting for them. 

"Evelyn is the one who defeated Voldemort," Dumbledore stated. "Look she has the mark, and has dark magic radiating off of her. Your son Harry does not have the mark, and has no dark magic." 

The reason why Harry has no dark magic surrounding him, is because Harry absorbs the magic, whereas Evelyn does not. But of course, Dumbledore doesn't need to know this. 

"We should start training the Girl-who-live as soon as she can walk and talk." 

James nodded, and they all went to their respective places and slept. 

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