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Harry was a natural at riding. He wasn't afraid of falling. No he wasn't. He even managed to stand on his broom and learnt a special move all by himself. Ric was impressed with Harry and even allowed Harry on his precious griffin. The griffin and Harry immediately became close friends. Most surprisingly, Harry beat Ric in a duel at the age of 10, a victorious win as Ric never loses.

But Sal was Harry's closest friend. In fact, friend doesn't describe the relationship of the 2 of them. Think of them as father and son. At first the founders except for Sal would think that Sal would be annoyed with Harry following him everywhere, but in fact Sal would always pick Harry up even during important meetings. Helga claimed that she once saw Sal dancing with Harry. Harry's mind was neat and clean, and Sal was nearly lost in it for 3 hours until Harry finally revealed a secret door. Harry couldn't stop laughing at Sal and when he told the rest of the founders, Sal had buried his face in his arms.

Harry was a master at potions. By the age of 10, he already created 2 potions. One was a shield potion in which the drinker will be immune to all spells except the Avada Kedavra spell. The second one was a potion that allows the drinker to stay awake and feel fully rested. Currently he is working on his 3rd potion, which will be a liquid form of Obliviate, causing the drinker to forget certain memories. The more the drinker drinks, the more memories will be erased.

Meanwhile, Harry was working on his 2nd complex spell. Harry's first spell was in fact an accident. He was bored waiting for his broom to fly with the Accio spell, and circe knows what the broom did to get to Harry. He decided to snap his fingers, and bam! The broom appeared in his hands. Row was there at the time and immediately take Harry into the library to master the spell. His 2nd spell was a spell that would make the victim say the whole truth, almost like a spell version of Veritaseum. 

Sal would constantly take Harry to the Chamber of Secrets where Sal introduce Harry to Dakota a female basilisk who lived in there. Harry and Dakota were soon friends and Sal made a mental note in his mind to buy Harry a snake.

2 weeks before Harry's birthday, Merlin arrived late after Harry went to bed. "How's Harry?" Merlin asked strolling into the office.

"He's amazing, especially potions, occlumency, dueling, and spell casting." Ric bragged for Harry.

"We have to thank Sal for his complex skill of occlumency." Helga smiled.

Sal returned the smile and went back to wear his emotionless mask. Row was in the edge of tears along with Helga. How fast 10 years passed. In 2 weeks, Harry will leave them forever. 

"I know, we're all sad. But I think we taught him the best we could. He'll be the new hero. I think I shall come back tomorrow so I would tell Harry the truth. What do you think?" Merlin suggested. 

The 4 founders gave a slight nod before going back to their own thoughts. 

"Are we still giving him our gift?" Ric asked.

Sal immediately said. "Of course. I haven't changed my mind." 

Row and Helga nodded. Merlin knew that it was time to leave and told them. "I'll come back for lunch tomorrow, then we'll tell him tomorrow after lunch. " 

Merlin left the office and the 4 founders retired to their bed. 

A/N: quite a short chapter. Sorry.

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