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The next day, Harry was having fun in the potions lab with Sal, when they were interrupted by Ric. Sal and Harry was testing out the magical properties of basilisk venom, a very dangerous experiment, when Ric walked into the dungeons without knocking. Harry nearly jumped at the sound of the door banging open and nearly dropped the bottle which contains the venom. Luckily, Sal caught it before it cracked open. 

"Have you heard of knocking Ric?" Sal scowled. 

"Sal, of course he does. If he did know, he would know that it will scare a person to death and drop an extremely dangerous potion ingredient." Harry replied sarcastically. 

"Such a good comeback Snakelet." Sal said messing up Harry's head while Ric rolled his eyes.

"Well sorry dungeon dwellers. Anyway it is lunch time and Merlin is there." Ric said.

"Merlin? C'mon Sal! Ric, why didn't you tell us earlier???" Harry asked running out the room. Ric and Sal smiled at each other sadly. 

As soon as the trio arrived in the Great Hall, Merlin was most certainly there waiting for Harry. The 6 of them had a perfectly normal lunch at least normal until Merlin stood up and told everyone to follow him to the office. 

Sal placed Harry on his lap and sat on one of the armchairs. The rest followed Sal's lead and sat down. 

"Harry, you're turning 11 soon. You know what that means." Merlin started, but was interrupted by Harry.

"I'm sorry Merlin, but I don't think I do."

"Apologies Harry, I shall repeat from the day you were born. As you know you defeated Voldemort who at that time was the leader of the dark side. You have a twin sister named Evelyn Potter. Evelyn was mistaken for you to be the person who beats Voldemort. Basically, Dumbledore believes it was Evelyn who beat Voldemort because she has the same mark as you. Her mark was fake and was caused when the ceiling caved in. Evelyn was immediately noticed because her hair was neat and parted so everyone could see the mark, whereas you were thrown unconscious, and had messy hair. Dumbledore agrees that the best thing to do was to send you to the Muggles." Merlin was interrupted for a second time by Harry.

"How could my so-called parents send me out to Muggles?" Harry spat out the word Muggles. "Dear god, Muggles! Why muggles?" Harry shouted.

"Snakelet. I'll take it from here. James and Lily Potter, when I get my hands on them... Leaving an extremely powerful young child with Muggles. Harry could kill himself if Merlin didn't do anything." Sal growled. 

"Sal calm down." Helga ordered. 

"But-but you heard what Sal said." Harry protested but was silenced by the look Helga sent him. 

"As I was saying, I managed to interfere the fate. But why did Voldemort attack Harry? It's because of a prophecy. The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches, Born to those who have thrice defied him, born as the seventh month dies, And the Dark Lord will mark him as his equal, but he will have power the Dark Lord knows not, And either must die at the hand of the other for neither can live while the other survives..." Merlin stopped to a resounding silence.

"So I have powers that Voldemort don't know. Like I'm more powerful?" Harry asked confused. Prophecies always confused Harry even from young. 

"Yes. Exactly." Row smiled from across the room. 

"Voldemort decided to attack you as your parents have fought against the 'Dark' thrice before, and you were born on 31st July correct?" Merlin asked. Harry quickly nodded.

"My parents dumped me away so they can focus on Evelyn who was not even special?" Harry asked his anger inside boiling. 

"Yes. I know this is feeling wrong but-" Merlin never got to finish the sentence when Harry stormed out of the room at the verge of crying. His very own parents, his flesh and blood didn't want him. How could he go back to them by the time Harry was 11? He stormed towards the training area and set the difficulty level to hard, and started dueling the mechanical robots coming his way. 

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