Ch. 2_ Swimming Lessons with Heather

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I always wanted Rodrick to keep away from my personal stuff. Mom permanently banned Rodrick from going through my wardrobe last month. He took my underwear and made a big deal of it. I don't understand why but Mom does allow Manny to go through it or maybe he just gets through. I am simply proud of myself that I didn't put my extra candies in there because if I DID. Something similar happened, last year, just in case I didn't tell you. Manny ate all of my skittles and vomited RAINBOW, and that is not the end! Mom put me on a timeout, what is worst though is that when Mom and Dad left for somehwere the same day, Rodrick acted like he's talking to Mom on landline and said that I had to serve DOUBLE TIMEOUT. When Mom and Dad came back, I came to know that Rodrick didn't have any rights to put me on timeout and I ended up serving TRIPLE TIMEOUT. Sad enough?

I went down and told Mom about Manny being in my room, but then Mom told me SHE had sent Manny in my room to get my clothes ready for our swimming classes. I tried to explain Mom that the school isn't over yet but she replied saying that I didn't need to go to the swimming practice only during summer vacations, I could start by today. I tried making a serious excuse like I am allergic to swimming pool but she mocked me up. She said I wasn't alleergic to swimming pools at all, I was allergic to CHLORINE in the pools and the Community Pool don't put chlorine in their pools because they put a different chemical which turns green immediatly after someone pees in it. Now what upset me even more is that I am going to go in the pool every MORNING and that today is the only day I'm going to go in the evening. Now, this is a disaster, because it's always too cold in the morning no matter WHAT.

Manny, in the other hand, took it too serious. He came down dragging Rodrick's swimming clothes and was wearing this

 He came down dragging Rodrick's swimming clothes and was wearing this

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And Manny wearing these things means he took it way too SERIOUSLY.

I dragged myself and wore the clothes Manny removed for me, and TRUST ME, this boy got the perfect swimsuit for me. My goggles, swimwear, hair cap, sun cream, everything. Rodrick also did the same thing and we sat inside, groaning. We took and in no time, we were at the Community Pool gate. 

Dad left us behind and went for his office while Mom was calling the coach. Right then, I saw somebody, if I am not wrong, that's Holly Hills. So, that means Heather is around here. Heather gives a hand to the community every time. Every summer, she takes the place of being an life guard. Sometime her younger sister Holly Hills helps her by entertaining the children so the adults can relax. The amazing fact is that she is in my class and still is because she isn't leaving the school or anything. I stepped forward, hoping Mom would let me go and meet my classmate but just then, she stopped me. She also saw Holly standing there and immediatly recognized her and was just informing me. I told her that I knew she was around was I was just about to meet her, but then she told me that I had to go for my lessons now. 

After I came out of the boys changing room, my jaw dropped. My coach was non other then HEATHER HILLS. I rubbed my eyes twice to make sure I'm not being played with, but I wasn't. This was all real and by now, I felt I'm loving this. See, I do have a crush on Holly Hills but that doesn't mean I'd lost my interest in Heather. Holly is just the younger version of Heather, to be honest. I walked to Mom and asked her if Heather REALLY was my coach and she said YES. 

After the swimming class, we were about to leave. I asked Mom if we could be there for sometime but Mom said no because we had to get ready for tomorrow. I asked ready for what and she answered me saying that we had to return everything we had borrowed from our friends for the whole year. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2021 ⏰

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