1 | a new beginning

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Disclaimer : The story's events do NOT follow the movie order.

Y/n Garner's POV-

   "I'm asking nicely... please shut the fuck up" I smiled sweetly.

"Bye. Ur no fun." .. " BUTTT if they're any hot guys there, don't be surprised if I end up pregnant". . "I've always wanted to be a mom".  Brynn laughed with a wide grin.

       " I swear to god"... "I doubt any of em will be hot" . I acknowledged

" Are u kidding me. Don't flatter yourself.  Hot french- wait.. british -Scottish?." .." K. I don't know what they are, but i'm sure you'll find a man". Brynn replied and shot a big wink.

       "Sure Brynn. Boys are my TOP priority to fit in this year. Great advice" I winked back.

"When you guys are done discussing *Hogwarts hotties*... you'd be surprised to know mom and dad are waiting for you". Kayla smartly spoke while leaning in the doorframe.

"Hahaha okay thanks, smart ass". Brynn bit back with tones of sarcasm.

"Jesus christ that girl is a living, breathing, know it all." 

       Wow.  Definitely not in America anymore. Holy shit.

The overwhelming train station was packed with busy families. Aromas of new books and fresh clothes washing over my senses. My eyes wandering ; kid's reunited with their friends.

Being new was never an easy game to play, although I found myself familiar with it. I left everything In America-  My friends, my old life.. my boyfriend. Ah ex- boyfriend now.

Too many new things for one person to handle alone, that's why I had my sisters. The Garner sister's. The witty one, Kayla. The brave one, Brynn. And last, the one who didn't know yet, that was me.

      " You girls stay together now." ..." Brynn- look after your sister's please" . Father spoke. His teary eyes gleaming off his black framed glasses. He was just as nervous as I was, maybe even more.

"Dad. When do I ever let you down?" Brynn joked trying to break the sad tension.

"Mmm you'd be surprised". I spoke out attempting to help lighten the situation.

        "I hate you". Brynn snapped back.

" Don't hesitate to OWL us, okay?". Mother spoke. Desperate for recognition that we would be okay with this new transition of school. Her hands were wrapped over my shoulder.

     "I love you girls". My parents stated in a soft tone.

"I love you more". we spoke back, while pulling them into a warm, long hug.

The loud train was pulling rapidly into its station. Maybe my heart was jumping out of my chest or my nerves were increasing, but I was not ready for this introduction. The blast of air hissed while the large train doors opened.

The cargo seats were vacant, with seats of 7 people. The three of us all took our seats. The plush velvet cushions were relaxing, soft to the touch. My shoulders slumped down, finally no tension.

    " And who are you?"-

There stood a boy. Pale as white parchment, topped with bright blonde, bleach like hair. His height was estimated 6'2, fitted with a grimace look. He had friends.

Behind him stood a darker skin toned boy, complimented with a cutting edge jawline. Aswell as two rather large boys, both looked the same age. And last, a girl, brunette, arms crossed, mixed with a death glare. Great start.

"Oh sorry. We're all new here. I'm Brynn 7th year".

" I'm Kayla. 3rd year"

"Y/n. 6th year"

  "No shit. new sisters?" the dark skinned boy laughed while nudging the pale boy. 

  "Are there designated carts?". Brynn quickly questioned.

" Yep. This is Slytherins. Do you wanna leave?"'. The rude blonde boy asked. Great. Sarcasm. Seems like a trick question. Although not saying anything, and letting Brynn do the talking was most likely the safest. Oops.

       "Oh no. We're good". I responded. The dark boy's eyebrow raised at me, he let out a small chuckle.

"Y/n!" Kayla punched the side of my arm.

       "What?!  All i'm saying is that we could very well be sorted into Slytherin. Why should we move.". I dryly spoke back.

"I like this one" The dark boy pointed at me with a smirk. "She's... feisty" he added on.  That's hopefully a good thing.

    "Fine. Whatever. Stay.". The blonde boy said with almost, disgust? I- how? he barely knows me.

The train ride was the most awkward situation I could EVER place myself in. All that was heard was the loud rummage of the train on its sharp tracks. I focused on my breathing - inhale, exhale. It was simple.

"I'm Blaise Zabini by the way.".. "And that dick head, that's Draco Malfoy-

"Piss off Zabini" Draco spoke.

" That's Crabbe and Goyle. And she's Pansy. We're all 6th years as well" He smiled.

"Nice to meet you". I spoke quickly, awkwardly

" Where'd you transfer from?" he questioned.

"Ilvermorny. Uh it's an American school.".

"Ahh figured. I can tell by your accent" Blaise laughed.

   That obvious huh" I quietly joked back.

Small talk was made through the whole ride. Taking glances of suggestion from Brynn was painful and embarrassing. Atleast Blaise is a good first friend. Didn't think twice about making me feel welcomed to this new environment. 

    Maybe the boys here weren't so bad.


The train stopped. The lights flickered on brighter. Here we are. My new future. My new home even. Brynn and Kayla stood up as kids were exiting onto the school's platform. Struggling with luggage and knocking into random kids was not a first impression I wanted to make. Stepping onto the new grounds was a first time experience, nothing like my old school.

The lanterns were lit with warm lights, the night enveloping the bright stars in the deep sky. It was beautiful, extraordinary almost.  And there it stood,

Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

A/N - ngl i came from tiktok lmao i wrote the series "Draco's new girl" with 66 parts :) My username is  @ im.mrs.malfoy ily

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