4 | that american girl

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Disclaimer : The story's events do NOT follow the movie order.

Draco's POV -

"Bloody hell Malfoy, ease up will ya?"

"Zabini. get it through your thick skull..There's no girl that's even worth my time". I sneered.

"Maybe your standards are.. ya know.. too high?".

Was he being serious?

"No. You're standards are just too low". I spat back

God. I need smarter friends.

Not one girl at Hogwarts has ever been up to par with me. I mean no shit the girls here were hot, but had absolutely no substance. They'd take every insult I threw at them without a budge.

Just dumb girls, with no brain. A quick fuck almost.


"Holy hell..." . Blaise exclaimed.

My head peeked up. What was he so interested in. His hand rapidly start slapping my shoulder, his gaze focused upward.

Three girls stood there.

They looked brand new, scared almost. All extremely pretty.

- Although one stood out. She had a small figure in the waist, with exceptional clothing style.

The fast breeze from the train doors pushed her hair to flow over her small shoulders.

"Amused Blaise?" I chuckled at him fawning over three girls.

"And you think I have low standards?"..." Mate, they're literal Goddesses given by Merlin.

"American too..." his eyes followed the girls behind's as they walked.

"Your going mental" I replied.

"No i'm being something called honest".."they say it's good for the soul". He joked back.

Yes, they were highly attractive, but what made them different from another brainless whores.

Probably nothing.

      The train ride was the same ordeal as every year.

4 hours of unbearable time spent with Pansy, including her spilling every single detail of her summer.

The usual group was walking to the our cart. Her high pitch voice was unbearable. I'm done. I don't care. I turned to face her -

"Pansy. Once again, i've said it in the past. I don't care about your goddamn summer.". I stated. She looked as though she was going to breakout with tears.

"Oh but Draco-"

"No. I don't care.". I cut her off


I stopped. A faint giggle was made in front of me.

There she was again-

That American Girl.

Her flushed cheeks painted with warm color, her light laugh made the air thin, and those eyes.

"And Who are you- " I spoke up, desperately wanting to know their names.. well her name.

The older girl started to speak, yet somehow I wasn't listening. My gaze targeted one particular girl, I found myself not being able to stop staring. She was absentmindedly scanning our group. Her eyes squinted at Blaise. Bloody hell.

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