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The armour that Prim had dressed in that morning was heavy and uncomfortable, she was very happy that she didn't have to wear it every day. It had once belonged to Nesta, her kindly lending it to Prim for the rare occasion that she would need it. It has been a few days since the last meeting and Prim, Orion and Lucien were now leaving for the Dawn Court. Her dagger was in a secure strap upon her thigh and her hair was tied back in two separate braids upon her head. She simply felt badass, catching her reflection every time she walked past something was like a dream. Orion was dressed in Illyrian armour, much like Cassian's and Azriel's, and Lucien was wearing the same armour he was dressed in the other today. They were terribly mismatched but still managed to look like a unit as they stood together in the foyer.

"You don't take your eyes off them," Rhys ordered Lucien, "Not even for a second."

Prim could tell that Orion wanted to say something to his father, ultimately deciding against it likely to save himself time and effort. Lucien sighed, raising his russet eyebrows at the high lord, "They aren't children, Rhys."

"Do you want to go or not?" He hissed back, stubborn and determined to have his way. Feyre and Nova were nowhere to be seen and Prim almost wished they were here to sway him slightly. He always seemed to lighten around them.

"Fine," Lucien drawled, crossing his arms over his chest, "I'll watch them. You have my word."

A hesitant nod from Rhysand was all it took for the three of them to join hands and winnow. The weight on her back from the armour made landing a little more difficult, Prim found herself gripping Orion's forearm for balance as they landed in a foyer bathed in the golden light of dawn. Footsteps filled the foyer and Prim didn't miss the small smile on Orion's lips as she turned to see who approached. With very little grace, Apollo bounced down along the hall, moving toward Orion with a jaw-aching grin.

"Cousin!" he called out, wrapping his arms around Orion and making him look incredibly small. Patting Apollo's back, Orion smiled at his cousin as they pulled apart, the Illyrian warrior then moving toward Prim.

"And Rosie, nice to see you again!" He cheered, picking Prim up and spinning her around in a tight hug. Prim couldn't help but giggle, feeling a little dizzy as Apollo set her back down and pressed a sloppy kiss to her cheek.

"Hello Apollo," she laughed, trying not to roll her eyes at Orion as he moved beside her in true fae protective nature. 

Not bothering to introduce himself to Lucien, Apollo linked his arms with Orion's and Prim's, leading them from the foyer as Lucien trailed behind. Apollo led them from the manor and out into what must be the Dawn Court war camps, both Dawn Court soldiers and Illyrian warriors taking up space in tents and training platforms. There was an armoury that Prim could clearly make out, as well as what seemed to be a medical tent for those injured. "This is where all the soldiers are staying at the moment," Apollo explained, "Feel free to walk around and explore."

As if on cue, Lucien strode off, forgetting his promise to Rhys and disappearing into the midst of people. Prim looked over the soldiers, noting the clear difference between those belonging to the Dawn Court and those belonging to the Night. The main difference being the huge wingspans, something that would impress Primrose no matter how many times she saw them. Orion and Prim stopped by the closest Illyrian tent as Apollo was called away, promising to be back soon.

"I don't know what I was expecting," Orion whispered, leaning in close to Prim, "But it wasn't this, I don't think..."

Prim clasped her hands together in front of her, "You've never been here before?"

"No, but I didn't mean the Dawn Court. I meant this... all of this," he explained, gesturing to the camp before them.

"They're similar to the ones back in the mountains, though. Aren't they?" she asked, "Without the snow, of course."

Orion chuckled, slipping his hand to rest on the small of her back as a group of warriors passed, "Yes, I suppose. But that's for training... and this, this is for the actual war that is brewing among us."

"I understand," Prim breathed, feeling a heaviness on her chest that caused her to lean slightly into Orion, "It's all real here. Back at the camp, it feels like a fantasy... but here, it's a reality."

Before Orion could respond, an explosion sounded in the background, both him and Prim turning toward the source of the noise. Warriors and soldiers were running toward smoke that spread quickly against the horizon. It was the Autumn Court, it just had to be. Their manipulation of fire was the only answer for this. Prim took off in a sprint, Orion quickly following after her as they ran forward, toward the edge of the Dawn Court. Toward the border between Courts where all were equal.

The stench of blood and smoke was thick as they reached the border, soldiers fighting against soldiers. Prim acted immediately on instinct, shifting into a form that would allow her an advantage. Her father had taught her how to shift as a child, but today she was stretching even further than she ever had before. A roar slipped from her lips as she transformed, altering her new self into something she had never been. Paws took place where hands and feet had been. Her skin covering in fur and her spine erupting and splitting out to support two large wings that caressed her back for the first time. A lion with golden Illyrian wings growing from her back. Prim padded forward on all fours, pressing her head into Orion's hand. One bad thing about shapeshifting inhumanly was that she couldn't talk. Orion turned, slightly startled as he looked down at the winged lioness beside him.

"That's new..." Orion muttered, his eyes wide and his skin a shade paler than usual. Prim flapped her wings, gesturing with her head toward the sky and Orion nodded, patting her head awkwardly before heading off and taking the sword from his belt. Without hesitation, Prim broke off into a run, pouncing and flapping her wings intensely. After a few leaps, she became airborne, her paws lifting properly from the ground as she advanced into the sky.

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