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Primrose did not mind waking up on the rug covered floor. The cabin had kept the hearth alight, a steady flame against her exposed back. Her head was pillowed on Orion's bare chest, the beat of his heart against her cheek. After last night's worshipping had turned into a round of passionate sex, in which Prim had proudly been on top, Orion had also stripped himself of his gear. His clothing was now, along with Prim's dress and underwear, draped over the sitting room sofas. Leaving her snoring husband and covering him with a fur blanket, Prim disappeared down the hall.

The huge sunken tub the cabin offered was more than suitable, Prim sinking beneath the warm water and refreshing herself after she had gotten so heated. The scent of Orion was still on her as she washed, his familiar smell lingering over her floral one. Even from the bliss of her bath, she could still hear her husband's snores. Old man, she snorted to herself, chuckling when a wine of glass simply appeared at her side. There was no doubt in Prim's mind that the cabin was made up of magic. Upon entering the bathroom, the tub had simply been ready for her. And now, entering one of the bedrooms and opening up the closet, clothes hung before her eyes, exactly her style and suitable for the weather that lurked outside the cabin's warmth. Outside. Where everything was bitter, and she didn't just mean the cold. She almost wanted to stay here, hide away from all the horrors down below.

"You always did look pretty in pink."

The sound of his voice made her heart settle, as though it was incomplete without it. She supposed it was. Prim was sat on the end of the king-sized bed, dressed in olive green pants and a pink blouse. The closet had been filled with the two colours, even miles away from the Spring Court, Primrose would never truly escape her roots. Her father was here, tucked away in one of the many cabins or tents in the camp below her. She had almost forgotten. Almost, but not quite.

Prim turned, glancing at her husband who had simply redressed into his gear, "Thank you."

He moved across the room, his lips curling into a smile as he stopped before her, arms out. Chuckling lightly, Prim stood and wrapped her arms around him, his hands making circles on her back. She didn't have to say anything, he just knew what she was feeling at all times. "I would make you the most delicious breakfast ever," he whispered against her ear, "But, I'm afraid we should probably head back."

Prim only held on tighter, her hands reaching up to fist in his hair. "I wish it didn't have to be like this," she sighed, hating how her eyes stung and her throat tightened, "I wish we could just have time together and not have to deal with everything else."

Orion chuckled, kissing the top of Prim's head, "Me too, dearest. We will have that time eventually."

Nodding knowingly, Prim pulled away, pressing a chaste kiss to Orion's lips before moving toward the closet. She pulled out a white fur coat that most definitely hadn't been there earlier, along with a scarf and set of gloves. Her feet were booted with brown leather boots that stretched up over her knees, perfect for all the trudging she was likely to do in the snow.

Slipping her hand into her husband's, the pair winnowed, touching down in the center of the camp. Orion led her toward a house, a stone building with two floors just beyond the treeline. She could see people moving inside, the smoke of a fire escaping the chimney. Primrose blinked curiously, "There was a house here the whole time?"

Orion laughed, squeezing her hand, "Yes, but we prefer staying in the cabins. It's cosy."

She couldn't help but chuckle, shaking her head and pressing a quick kiss to Orion's cheek. He pulled her close, leaning into her side as they reached the house, going straight inside instead of knocking. The noise of voices immediately sounded as they closed the door behind them, walking down the hall into what seemed to be a grand room, full of chairs and sofas, a lit hearth at its end. The first people Prim zoned in on were the winter court members, Viviane and Kallias seated beside Mor who had a proud grin on her lips. They were still dressed in their cloaks, fur-lined and white with what had to be bear pelts. As they took a seat, Orion on an armchair and Prim on his lap, she took a moment to review her surroundings.

Azriel was sat with Leo sleeping against his chest, his wings were tucked tight against his back, no doubt still sore and hurting. Elain was at his side, her arm on the sofa behind him and leaning into him, keeping her eyes on her son as he slept. Feyre and Rhys were at the end of the room, beside the hearth. Nova was nowhere in sight, likely with Lyra and Scarlet back at the cabin. Cassian and Nesta were also there, seated opposite Mor and the Winter Court, the Illyrian's hand interlaced with his mate's. They were discussing the Summer Court, mainly the fact that they had not yet arrived. The three days they promised had not yet passed, but they needed them sooner than they thought.

"I'll go to Tarquin," Cassian offered, "I'll beg him if I have to."

Nesta rolled her eyes, leaning her head on Cassian's shoulder, "He won't listen to you. You destroyed his buildings remember?"

A low chuckle buzzed around the room. Cassian hug his head, letting out a wail, "It was one building!"

"I'll go with you. We might actually have a chance at convincing him then," Nesta smirked, her eyes still distant despite the smile curling her cheeks.

Cassian sat up straight, shaking his head, "No, you're staying here."

It wasn't an order, more like a plea, his voice pleading. It wasn't dangerous, what they were planning, but it was still going out to another court, leaving a place of safety and comfort. Nesta had not left the camp for a reason.

Nesta reached her hand up to cup her husband's cheek, her pale skin a bright contrast to the brown of his, "Cass, I'm fine, really. Please, I want to go with you."

With a sigh and a reluctant nod, Cassian agreed, standing and pulling his mate up with him, "I suppose you can come. But, I'll do the talking."

Nesta shoved him with an elbow, moving across the room to where Leo had awoken, his little mouth widening into a yawn. Her finger came down to stroke his cheek, "I promise I'll introduce myself to you soon, buddy. Look after your mommy for me?"

Leo looked up at his aunt curiously, blinking in what felt like agreement. Prim watched as Nesta and Elain shared a look, shared a smile. With quick goodbyes, Nesta and Cassian left, the hopes of surviving this war leaving with them.

It was Elain who spoke up. Mor had been lightly conversing with Viviane, and Feyre with her mate, but it was Elain's voice that broke against the mumble and mutters. "We're going to take Leo and stay in the mountain cabin. It seems to be the safest place at the moment," she started, turning to Rhys and Feyre, "We'd like your permission to take Nova as well. This is no place for a girl so young."

Rhysand was nodding almost immediately, "If you could that would be much appreciated."

"Hopefully she won't keep you on your toes too much, she'd love to help you and Leo in any way possible, though," Feyre smiled, leaning into Rhys's side as he hooked an arm around her waist.

Primrose couldn't help but blush at her own memories in the cabin, but Elain was right: It was easily the safest space at the moment. She stood, lifting Leo from her father's lap so he could stand up with ease. Prim didn't miss as Azriel's face scrunched up as he stood, his wings fluttering slightly as he stretched, a hand going to the small of Elain's back.

"We wanted to leave as soon as possible, we'll bring Nova here first so you can say your goodbyes," Azriel said, moving toward the doorway.

Feyre nodded, standing up to quickly engulf her sister in a hug. "Thank you, Az."

Lifting Leo's hand in a mock wave, Elain promised to see everyone soon before joining her husband and disappearing out into the hall. Prim hated how large the room now felt, only a handful of them left within the room. Kallias had been silent the whole time, watching and waiting. But now, he placed his elbows on his thighs, leaning forward toward the High Lord of the Night Court, "So, now what exactly is the plan?"

"The plan?" Rhys smirked, a devilish smile on his lips, "We're going to fucking destroy them."

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