chapter 5

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"and this is buckbeak." I said, placing a hand gently on it's head. The overgrown bird squawked in joy. "And that concludes our tour. We should feed them now, considering as fang over there keeps barking."

The red headed slytherin nodded obediently, following after me towards Hagrids hut.

The giant welcomed us warmly, handing us buckets full of... Things to feed them with.

"Call me if you need help." Hagrid usually says, following with a series of "thanks you"s and what nots.

Ever since my third year, I began helping Hagrid with the magical beasts. Starting from washing them, grooming them and feeding them.

It all started because buckbeak made no attempt to kill me and I bonded rather quickly with the animals.

I stood in front of buckbeak. The hippogriffs eyes followed my movement, waiting for me to throw the ferrets to him.

Zeil was looking at the animal in awe as it stood up from it's resting position, managing to completely tower over us.

"He's really big." Zeil whispered. I catched his hand subtly trembling.

I laughed, holding the ferret above my head. "He's a soft giant. Sometimes he'll dig up holes to eat worms."

Hagrid even let's him sleep in his bed but I'm not going to say that.

I threw the dead ferret up into the air as buckbeak flew to catch it.

A few throw and eat games later, we tended to other hippogriffs and even played around with Fang.

"I didn't know you were so good with animals." The redhead commented, scratch Fangs head as the dog laid on the floor sleeping.

"I don't think you know me at all, considering we've known each other for only a week."

"Yes, but what I do know is you're getting better at transfiguration." He ruffled my hair, leaving a messy tangled up bundle of haystack hair.

"Dude stop I brushed them for an hour to get it this good!"

Standing up, I tried to fix my hair back into it's position, walking out the door while Zeil jogged up from behind.

"Here," I threw some dead rats at him. "Go feed the hippogriffs. Witherpuff likes to hang out alone near the woods so I'll meat you when I'm finished."

Zeil stopped in his tracks to look back at me, but I shrugged him off and run towards the woods.

Witherpuff was already waiting for me, jumping into his four legs at the sound of my steps and squawking excitedly.

"Hi buddy. Here's your meal today." I handed him the bucket full of rats. Unlike buckbeak, witherpuff likes to eat his meals alone.

I reached out to pet the eating beast, but instead, a black, ghost like horse caught my attention.

It stalked across the trees gracefully, stopping every know and then to survey it's surroundings. Black wings tucked beside it's body as it eyes stared in front.


Black ghosty horses that can only be seen by few. Specifically people who have seen death and understands it.

They're mostly gentle creatures though, and they're sweet.
Before I could take a step towards it, Zeil was calling for me.

I turned my back against the horse creature and jogged towards the slytherin.


It took us quite a while to reach the school door since we had to walk up a hill, but we managed.

I was to busy chatting with zeil to notice the door was already opened, just as my hand reached out towards it.

"Wah!" I screamed, pulling my hand back. "I'm sorry!"

Instead of the door, my hand landed on Khuns chest, though he didn't seem to care.

Doesn't change the fact I touched someones chest!

"Y/n, go on ahead. I need to borrow zeil for a second." Khun looked at me for a split second before glaring at the redhead with pure hatred. "Can you wait for me in the courtyard?"

"Uh... Sure..." I answered, feeling sort of guilty, though I didn't do anything. Khun also priorities hanging out with Rachel before me, so what's so wrong about me hanging out with someone other than bam and james, right?

That is why he's upset right?


Aaaaah I don't know!

By the time I reached the courtyard, everyone else has probably gone to their common room or is hanging out in the halls since the yard was unusually empty.

I leaned on a pillar, not expecting anyone. Until a familiar strict voice started speaking.


The person who answered was also familiar. A bratty voice I've grown to hate over the 5 years of my stay at hogwarts.

"This is perfect!" Rachel said in an excited whisper. "All I need is the potions classroom. When Khun is under the love potions influence, that pure blooded bastard will be so heartbroken. You know what to do next."

"Yes. I shall provide you with the ingredients and the potion class will be vacant today."

Professor karaka? As in our DADA teacher??? And did that bitch just called me a bastard???

"Yeah, yeah you've said that two times already."

I sweat dropped. What the hell are they planning? Why is professor karaka helping Rachel make a love potion for Khun-

Wait Khun needs to know about this-


"Yeah, I heard Rachel talking about it. But I wanted you to hear it for yourself."

Khun brushed his hair back. He was leaning on the cobblestone walls, sunlight poured in front the window, making his blue eyes sparkle like gems.

"What are you going to do about it?" I squinted, expecting an answer. He won't say he's going to confront her about it is he? Not only would it be stupid, it would also not work.

That blond bitch would grovel to the ground and act like a deer stuck on top of a tree.

"I'll stop her myself. She said she's going to brew the potion today. If I scold her sternly, she would leave me alone." Khuns eyes sparkled with excitement. That's not your typical response to turning back against your friend.

I scoffed, crossing my arms.

"I have a feeling you're jealous."

My eyes widen. "What? Of course not. Why would I?"

"Did you think I thought of Rachel as a legitimate friend?"

"No- yes..."

My eyes looked downwards. Hello embarrassment.

I only gained a small chuckle and a pat on my head. Khun bent down to my eye level.

Fuck this height difference.

"So you are jealous?"

"I never said that."

The blue headed slytherin hummed. "Rachel has always been awfully suspicious. By the way, it was me who ruined your potion back then."

I snapped a finger at him, "I nearly got expelled!"

"Hey get back here!!"

Deceptive truth | khun x reader | Harry Potter AUWhere stories live. Discover now