(ch 2) 200 years later

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Chapter 2 - 200 years later.

*dream in bold*

When it hit Damon that Tori was dead, he charged at Katherine, I mean he was the eldest and was meant to protect them both and had failed so he charged,

Stefan was on his knees holding tori's lifeless body and heard a loud CRACK! but in a quick motion, Damon was the same as his sister neck snapped and dead on the dock, Kathrine well knew her blood was still in both boys systems, so when Stefan looks around realising that his brother is dead and so is his sister, he looks up to Kathrine and says "kill me to please, I can't face father on my own".

So, within 2 seconds Kathrine had snapped his neck too, and got her way like always, she then walked over to Tori's body and dragged it away, just as night set in. After a couple of hours Stefan and Damon sat up and looked around, they were both so confused then they see, Kathrine before they could even think about killing her they wanted food, they craved blood then it hit them they both died with Katherine's blood in their system, they look around remembering that tori died too but couldn't find her body anywhere "where is our sister" Damon yells at Kathrine, she looks at them and says with the straightest face ever "she's dead and gone".

My eyes spring open only to see my fan moving fast on my roof, Jesus I hate nights like this, these dreams are so vivid, I wipe my sweat off my head after yet another nightmare, I'm like 150 years old and I still have nightmares of that day Eh, I get up and walk over to my desk and laptop, As it loads I receive an email from Mystic falls High school saying they have a position for me.

Wondering who I am?


My name is Victoria Jade Salvatore, I look like I'm 17 but technically I'm like 170 something years old, I stopped counting years ago, so yes, you guess correctly I'm that little Salvatore, you thought Katherine killed as punishment for her brothers Damon and Stefan not taking her offer until recently I didn't know they were alive I was lead to believe that Kathrine the bitch had killed them after she turned me.

So after she forced me to turn, she kept me around and hidden for decades, Then got some of her weird witchy woo type of friends to do some weird voodoo on me and turn me into this other thing, making me drink some type of blood thing. Cause she was scared and wanted me as her "weapon" Her words, not mine. And by her side when one of her exes come after her, so now I'm called a hybrid. half vampire half werewolf, don't ask me how it worked I got no idea. But after some time around the mid-2000s, she dumped me, because she didn't need me to protect her anymore. So I was somewhere in the middle of nowhere, somewhere turned out to be Beacon Hills California, I soon met a couple of other werewolves who soon found out about my vampire side as well my wolf side but I was well in control by then. I spent I few years there got into a few relationships, fell pregnant Yeah pregnant That's a thing apparently but can only happen under a new moon, I got dumped for being pregnant, left beacon hills and now have a 4-year-old son Connor James who I call CJ for short, We are currently living in New York, But as of this morning I start at mystic falls high school next term and that's only a few days away.

I look at CJ asleep in my bed and wish I could do more for him, I'm a single mum of a 4-year-old and I'm going back to high school for the millionth time, cause since turning I either have to run because people find out my secret, (secret being I'm a hybrid), or a hunter finds us so my number 1 priority is to keep my son safe so that's why I'm going home, I'm going to see my family if there is a family to go home to guess we will find out soon. So while Connor sleeps I start packing, I don't own much since moving around is a very common thing for us, I grab a few bags for me and 2 bags for Connor, one for his toys and one for his clothes, once he was packed, I chucked all my electrical stuff as well as any clothes I have. I just finish packing and Connor wakes up and looks at me standing near the bags and asks in his cute baby voice, " where are we off to mama" I look at him and smile, oh my baby is so cute, " we are going home baby, I'm taking you home" I said so he slides out of bed and walks over to his table and chairs so he can have breakfast, and since today is so special I'm going to make him something special, but when I look in the cupboard I haven't got much food, damnit I was meant to do shopping last night. I turn to my baby and say "hey bud why don't we get breaky on the road so we can get a head start and get there before dark" he looks up at me and nods his head.

once we were both dressed and done, I walked out the door and grabbed a big trolley for all our bags, and pack them in as well as his small table and chairs. as we walk out the door I turn and look back in the apartment the last place we will ever live that's not our family home, we may have only been here 9 months, but I thought this was home until I found out my family was alive. Oh well looks like it's time to find us forever home. and well surprise my brothers.

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