(ch 3) home sweet home

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We have been driving for a few hours now, but we are so close to being home, well our new home, our final home I see the sign saying that we are entering mystic falls. I look in my mirror at CJ in the back he is asleep in his car seat, I look back toward the road, only to see a figure laying in the middle of the road, I hit my brakes and miss her just in time, I get out of my car and run to the front only to see her gone "Omg I'm so tired I'm seeing things" I say to myself only then to turn into a blonde standing in front of me she grabs my throat and bares her fangs at me, I just look at her and smile like wtf and she puts her fangs away "why are u not scared" she asks, I replied with "I have seen scarier shit then you blondie," after all I am 170 something years old she looks at me and says "wow another female vampire, I haven't met many other than the ones that are around town where you headed?", I just smile at her and get back in my truck, "home" I say she smiles back and says " my names Caroline" I reply "I'm Tori, nice to meet you" I close my door and wave good bye, I start to drive over the old Wickery Bridge, and straight for the old Salvatore boarding house.
On arrival, I am getting more and more nervous, I cannot wait to see me brothers, but I am scared at the same time. "snap out of it tori" I say to myself you are finally getting to see your brothers after like 100 years. I shake my head clearing my thoughts and grab a very sleepy Connor from the back seat. And walk over to the big oak door and start knocking. The door swings open and there she was, she-devil herself " Katherine" I step back and snarled under my breath. I could feel my eye change colour and veins start to grow under them. I would have lunged but I had my son in my arms. As I am about to chew her head off Stefan comes to the door and I swear he goes paler than he already was. "Tori," he says with tears welling up in his eyes, Stefan jumps forward and wraps his arms around me, I wrap my free arm back around him, and whisper "Hello brother".
After Stefan Had let me go, I start to stare back at Katherine until Stefan says " Tori this is Elena, Damon's girlfriend and my ex, Elena this is tori my little sister" um what I said thinking to myself, Stefan realises my confused look and says " yes she looks like Kathrine, she's Kathrine's doppelganger" oh I think to myself " sorry for the weird look I gave you, I thought that Katherine had wormed her way back in brothers lives".
Elena looked at me and said, "if you're a Salvatore and vampire as I have seen with the veins under your eyes, what's with the child".
What is with the child? is this bitch serious, I looked this chick up and down and while calming myself and said, "that's a story for once I can sit down, Cause this child is heavy" I said with sass. The bitch has nerve, Stefan then invited me inside and we sit in the living room, wow this house hasn't even changed that much, I lay Cj on the couch next to me and he cuddles his stuffed teddy closer to him. Once we are sitting down, I start talking " So what do u want to know." I say looking over at Stefan, he looks at me and says " tell me everything, and anything" I smile at him and say " well after Kathrine killed me I woke up in this house, once she forced my blood, she told me u guys where dead I cried for days.
But then this guy showed up apparently, he is after Kathrine and has been for like 400 years or something, His name is Klaus, I think. Well, When he realised I couldn't tell him anything about Katherine cause she had run off Days beforehand I thought he was going to kill me but spared me and he left me alone, I had never been that scared in my life. After a couple of days, Katherine came back for me and thought I was the one who told Klaus where she was so she took me to her witch friend and they decided that would try and turn me into something that they could use against him even though he like 1000 years old and stronger than me, but they just turned me into a hybrid" I said as I flashed my bright yellow eyes at them while the veins grow under my eyes, Elena jumps a little, I just rolled my eyes and said, "I'm not going to hurt you".
"So where have you been, what have you been doing, " Stefan asked I looked at him and said "I have just been moving around trying to keep a low profile, but with a child and 500-year-old vampire after you, it's not easy. But she did dump me in the middle of some town about 4-5 years ago cause she thought Klaus would come after me, and forget her but when he found me I made a deal with him, if I told him where all of Katherines hiding spots were he would keep me alive, and so I did just that, and that's why Katherine is after me, but back to my first part of the story, once she had dropped me in the middle of this town, it was called Beacon hills, I got myself set up, working at an animal clinic, and that where I met, Scott, he was an alpha wolf and he introduced me to his pack and I fell for a guy named Isaac, and we'll that's where Connor comes from, but once I told Isaac I was pregnant, he left for Paris, so I packed up my stuff and went on moving around, I so miss everyone there but at the time I didn't want anything to happen to them so I said bye and moved to north America, had Connor on my own, stayed there and the moved around and ended up recently in New York, until now and heard mystic falls come up on the news with all the "Animal attacks" and I just knew that it wasn't animal attacks, and I had done some research and see that u and Damon were here weather you guys were buried or alive I didn't know but I needed to make sure so I came home".
As I finish telling Stefan my story the door swings open with a very sober Damon (for once) and a very drunk human. " I look up at Damon and he just looks at me with absolute stun, and for the first time I thought I have seen tears and his eyes and I was right, I got up and ran to him, as I jump into his arm he hugs me tight like he was going to lose me again, "Hello brother," I say whispering in his ear. "Hey T, " he replies, he puts me down and just keeps looking at me like he's seen a ghost, which I'm not, we then here a groan come from the ground, and I look down to see the drunk human Damon had brought home with him currently laying face first on the ground, so I look at Damon and say, "I thought you would be more of a grab and go type guy" I start laughing but Damon turns and says " no this is my best buddy rick, he is getting married in a couple of days and tonight was his bucks night so I took him drinking, but the lightweight couldn't keep up." I start laughing and then out of the blue I hear " Mummy. Mummy where are you, I walk back toward the couch to see Connor sitting there with tears brimming his eyes, " I walk toward him and pick him up, giving him a hug, " I'm here baby, what's wrong" " I... I... I had a bad dream, that a man came a took me away from you" I sat him on my lap and gave him another hug " baby, no one will ever take you away from mummy ok". I look up away from Connor, to see Stefan and Elena looking at me in aww, and Damon looking at me in confusion. "now time to start my life all over again.

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