Chapter 33

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Meliodas pov 

"She's trying to take custody over me so I can live with her and not my dad,"

Those words echoed through my head, 

her mom is trying to take her away,

But why, she must have a reason?

I had to go home about an hour ago, we have school tomorrow.

Elizabeth is really stressed out, she doesn't want to leave.

I am too, of she does leave Ill miss her and maybe revert to my old ways. Being coldhearted and rude to everyone.

What do you want from your daughter Ms.Liones. 

Diane pov

Today was easier than excepted. I know its going to get harder but that's the fun part. Being so stressed out is like riding a roller coaster for me. I wonder what elizabeths mom wants from her?

This is a very short chapter because i'm working on another book sorry!

Stay safe.


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