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I had a hard time writing this chapter so prepare for cringe. This was completed at 11 pm running on 4 hours of sleep, so there could be some parts that don't make sense.

"Now Marcy" King Andrias started. "Let's talk about that proposition, shall we?"

"Sure" Marcy said with a coffee mustache complementing her eye bags. "What is it about? Another trip to swamp town?". The king shook his head. "No no, you've got it all wrong... it's about-". The dining room door broke open and a Lady Olivia stormed in. "Pardon my behavior, but do any of you know what happened to the grand painting room!? It is an absolute mess!". Marcy coughed. She completely forgot that she and the gang painted all over the portraits. "I'll just get a servant to clean it" the King exclaimed. Guilt ate her up, but it was still funny. "I'll clean it, servant matt can have a break" Marcy tried not to laugh. "How generous of you Marcy" Lady Olivia pointed to the supply closet. "There will be some supplies in there that could help you". Marcy helping around the castle and doing chores was a normal thing, since she had lived there for a few months. King Andrias and Olivia were practically her reptilian parents. "We can talk about this when you're done" The king said before Marcy walked out the doors. That cheerful smile faded into a menacing look.

"La la la la" Marcy dipped her paintbrush in water and retouched the paintings. She smiled at the one Anne ruined. Two mustaches on noble newts. Marcy chuckled then selected some blue paint. It was time for her to write, so she flipped to a new page in her journal.

Journal entry #2937471. I'm retouching the paintings me and Anne ruined. Oh wait, I shouldn't write that! what if somebody reads this!? We would get in trouble. This would end up just like stage 23 of vagabondia chronicles, where Stella and Daniel trashed the fairy village right before they confessed their love for each other!

Marcy looked back at the painting. "AH!" She screamed and the ladder came crashing down. The journal landed right on her chubby face. She looked back at her work. A heart was painted around a the newt general. "Oh.." Marcy got up and placed her paint palette on a nearby table. Luckily, the paint did not splash on the century old rug underneath her. "Hmm, now what about my journal?". Paint covered the whole back of the book. "No, no no!". Marcy got on her knees and flipped to see if any splotches of paint got on it. Unfortunately, blue paint ran through almost every page, including the back cover of the journal. Anne's small drawing got destroyed by the substance. It wasn't the first time that journal had been ruined. Back home, that thing would go through a lot of disasters. This was different though. Anne's drawing from back home was gone. All that was left of Anne was her signatures in the book of losers. Anything that belonged to Anne mattered to her. "I need to hang this up so it can dry" Marcy thought. She ran to her room and opened the window. Mr Venus fly trap snapped his sharp teeth at her. "Hold on!" She pinned the book on a line. "That should fix it, if the wind patterns go as I predict. Please work! I need everything that's left of Anne! I need Anne!". She froze and stared at her plant friend. "I said that out loud, didn't I?" Marcy chuckled. Her face flushed red and she put her face on a pillow.

Marcy POV

I can't believe I said that! It's true though, I need everything that's belonged to Anne. I miss her so much even though she left this morning! Why am I so attached to Anne? Maybe it's because we're stuck in whole different dimension... but this is different. I started feeling this way during the sleepover. Her smiles and the sound of her laughter were so enticing. Every look she gave me made my heart skip a beat. All of her actions never failed to amaze me. Even when she made a dumb move, she'd always fix it somehow... And on top of that, she cared about me. Always looked out for me. I need to feel whatever feeling I felt around Anne. What is this feeling? Happiness? That's a part of it. Hope? certainly. In the corner of my eye, I could see a plant pot shifting my way. That menace stared at me... and then it caught a fly. All I have right now is a carnivorous plant and my soggy journal. That could be enough for me until I find out how I really feel about Anne.

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