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I already know there's gonna be a ton of mistakes so sorry! I'll check over this chapter when I have more free time.

A few days have passed by since Marcy found where the first temple was. The blacksmith made swords and armor for her and her assistant. A weaver made her a new cape too. "Hopefully this one isn't flammable" she chuckled. A young newt entered into the room. "General Yunnan, I've been expecting you" the blacksmith spoke. He handed her some fresh armor. "Get ready because you and Marcy will leave at dawn". "Don't boss me around" General Yunnan took the armor.

"Let's check if the chefs prepared food for the trip" Marcy said. She and the general walked into the kitchen. "Hello master Marcy, hello general". "Hey Susan, did you already prepare food for our trip?" Marcy asked her. "Yes I did". A huge basket of vegetables and other things were on the counter. Marcy thanked her and left. She returned to her room. "See you around" she fed her plant one last time. It snapped it's prey and somehow formed a smile. "Okay, goodnight!".

Marcy woke up and put on her armor. It was light but strong, perfect for hiking up snowy mountains. "There are you" General Yunnan peered through the door. "Let's go!" Marcy cheered. They walker side by side to the courtyard. A carriage was waiting for them. "Ready?" Marcy asked her partner. "Of course I'm ready, I'm General Yunnan!!!!". They hopped into the carriage and the mountain snail went fast. "I helped breed this one for when I had missions in harsh environments" Marcy exclaimed. "This snail should get us to the mountain in about... 2 hours". "I could run there in 1" The general scoffed. "Cool, let me write a letter to Anne and send her a map". A small pigeon peeped through it's cage. "Alright, get this to Anne. The mountain is only 3 minutes away from Wartwood so it shouldn't take them long to meet up". The bird flew away with the letter.

"This is gonna be a long ride" Marcy sat back and took out her journal. General Yunnan looked at the page Marcy was on. "Hey, I've seen that girl before" she said. Her amphibian fingers pointed at the blonde one in the middle. "Wait, you have!?". "Yes, when I was in the same mountains trying to hunt down Captain Grime". "Oh my god" Marcy put her hand on her mouth. "So she was in the mountains we are heading to... hopefully we can all meet up and make things right".

Hours passed and they arrived at the site. The fwagon was parked with the family standing outside. "It's freezing up here!" Hop Pop complained. "Those sweaters I knit you guys should make you feel better" Anne said. "I'm literally in a bag!" Polly screamed. "Anne!" Marcy ran out of the carriage and they hugged. "Marcy! I missed you so much!" Anne started crying. "I missed you too! It's only been a few days but it felt like forever!". Marcy felt peaceful in Anne's arms. The girl messed with her friends clean black hair. She smiled and they were just a few centimeters away. "Wow look at your new outfit!" Anne stepped away and held her hands. "You really are living your rpg dream". "I know right, this armor is carved from the bones of a heron" Marcy squeezed her friends hands. "Ahem" General Yunan coughed. "So wheres is that music box you were talking about?". "Ah I forgot it!" Anne snacked herself in the face. "Don't worry, Wartwood is just around the corner! Hop Pop get the box!". The elder croaked and looked at everyone. The secret was going to be spilled!
"I-I" he stuttered. Before he could finish, the general pointed at the base of the mountain. "Something is down there! I can sense it!". Marcy took out her sword and handed Anne one too. "It's probably mountain slugs" she exclaimed. "It's not!" Yunnan snapped back. "Let me investigate" she did 10 cartwheels to show off before running away. "Begone pests! I am the great general Yunnan!".

A few tense seconds passed before she ran back up. "It's an Army!" She informed her group. "Army!?" everyone screamed. "Yes, but they won't stand a chance against me! come on!" she jumped down and went straight into battle. "Now it's too dangerous to let Hop Pop get the box!" Marcy groaned. "I'm sorry Marcy, I shouldn't have forgot! I should've took the box with us on the first trip to give it to you!" Anne apologized. "It's not your fault Anne, the box could've got messed up on your long way to Newtopia. Let's just go in the temple and let Yunnan sort this out". The gang hid inside the temple. It was cold and damp. You could tell the place hasn't been visited in a decade. Marcy took out her journal and wrote down notes while taking a look at the place. "Very interesting, I thought this place was in ruins! But it's surprisingly nice for it's age". "Yeah, this place kind of feels familiar" Anne hung out behind Marcy. She turned back and blushed. "It's nice that I get to be with you" Anne continued. "We've been here for so long and now we are almost home". "Yeah, everything is going back to normal. Just me and you and Sash". Anne glanced at the Plantars. Sprig was looking outside the window. "Guys!" he yelped. Everyone came to the window and was shocked. The army wasn't just an army of mountain slugs, it was a toad army. The soldiers reached the top of the mountain. General Yunnan was somehow fighting them off. "No..." Anne took a step back. "What's wrong?" Marcy asked her. "This again!?" Hop Pop shook his head. "This can't happen again! come on, let's fight!" Sprig commanded. "We beat the toads once and we can beat them again!". Sprig busted down the door and sped out. "Sprig wait! Hop Pop and Polly came after them. Anne and Marcy followed.

"This can't be happening" Anne shook at every word. "What's wrong Anne? what's bad about a toad army? what is-". Marcy looked in shock at who was in front of them. "Well...well...well" Sasha glared at the two of them huddled together. "Long time no see Marcy, and hello Anne".

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