The Plan

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I literally wrote this at 5 am because I needed to update

King Adrias paced around the castle hallway. "Marcy is so naive, I've got her right where I want her... but my opportunity to tell her the plan gets ruined everytime!". The giant Newt looked at the huge portrait of himself. "I've got to step up my game, this can't keep happening". Lady Olivia turned on the mushroom light and looked at him. "Pardon my interruption but are you going to bed soon? You have 12 scheduled meetings tomorrow". "I was just on my way!" he fake smiled and went to his room.

It was 7:00 when Marcy woke up. She yawned and fed her plant. "Time to check on my journal, I have a lot of writing to do". The pages were still moist but it was better than the disaster it was yesterday. Lady Olivia knocked on the door. "Marcy, the King has ordered me to tell you that you will begin planning for your journey to the temple". Marcy put her journal down and turned to a clean page. "I'll make note of that". After she catched up on yesterday's entries, she ate breakfast and headed to the library. The huge book about the calamity box sat on the ground. "Hmm, let's see where this first temple is". The pages were scripted in an ancient newtophian language. "I can't even read this!". King Andrias conveniently walked in. "Hello Marcy, I see you're reading the book". The girl turned around and pointed at a paragraph. "I don't know what any of this says, I just started learning newtopian pronounciation last week". The king knelt down and skimmed over the page. "Ah, this is a very old dialect so I doubt with any knowledge you'll be able to find out what it says" he exclaimed. "This is a riddle! it says...

I am fiery red and tall in length, I am the temple of strength".

Marcy scratched her head and thought of what it could mean. " like a volcano maybe?" she wrote down her thoughts. "Or maybe just a regular mountain". The king nodded. "Good idea, I think there are a few mountains and volcanoes around here. I'll get a map". Marcy stayed and put down some theories. He came back with a giant map that had all of Amphibia drawn on it. "Take a look Marcy. Do you see any volcanoes that look promising?" Andrias asked. A few moments later, she pointed at a snowy mountain. "I studied that one! It's known to have an unknown structure on it! Maybe it's the temple". The king shook his head. "But that mountain is in the snowy part of Amphibia...there is no way a steaming hot volcano could be in the middle of snow". Marcy winked at him. "Exactly. I'll assume that the volcano and temple are somehow connected. Since the temple hasn't been used in awhile, that leads the volcano to become dormant. Because of this, it survives in the snow". King Andrias chuckled and patted her on the back (Which made her fall down because his hands are huge). "You're so clever Marcy, now go write a letter to Anne about it and I'll order the blacksmith to make some armor that can withstand snow and lava".

Andrias closed the book and grinned. "This is going just as planned".

Marcy stormed into her room and ripped out some paper. She dipped a feather in ink. Despite pencils existing in this world, she chose a feather because it felt more like a rpg medieval game. "Alright, let's get to writing".

Dear Anne,
I hope your journey with the Plantars have been successful so far. I found out where one of the temples is located today. It's in a snowy mountain and it's actually near Newtopia! I'll send some more letters later, so stay tuned. I hope you're doing okay Anne, I miss you. Bye!

Marcy fought her urge to draw a heart. "Why does Anne have to be so perfect? She's caring, funny, strong and way better than me!". She sealed the envelope with wax and gave it to a bird. It was a red Robin with a backpack on it. The royal logo was sewn on its pockets."You know the route they took! also heres the scent you should follow". The messenger chirped and she pet it's head. "Fly away! bye bye!". It flew into the bright blue sky.

Sasha sharpened her dagger and threw it at a dummy. "Yo Grime, do you think my aim was right on that one?". She peered outside and saw Grime showing their new toad army her phone. The suspicion island theme song was being played. "...And that's how you should go into battle!" he lectured the soldiers. "Wow I see why you're addicted to it!" Percy exclaimed. "Yes yes, now go train! We will be storming the capital in 4 days".

I hope you enjoyed! It took so long to write the explanation about the volcano and temple so sorry if it didn't make sense. It just means that since the temple hasnt been working in awhile, the volcano isnt either. The volcano hasnt erupted or anything so yea it's been snowy.
Irrupted. erupted. I can't even comprehend which one is right xd. Anyways, bye!

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