Here with you..

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Itachi pressed his head against his younger brother's then spoke softly, "No matter what you decide from now on...I will love you forever.." His body disappeared into beautiful golden specks as he gave one last smile to his heavily shocked, brother and then he was gone.

Itachi woke up in what seemed to be a shallow lake, sitting up, he noticed his surroundings grow brighter giving off a heavenly vibe. He looked at his body noticing he was younger than when he died, he was a lot smaller now and his hair shortened a bit, was he 13? The same age he was when that tragic event was caused? 'This is death..? I wonder who awaits me.' He thought to himself standing up and looking around. There was no one to be seen until, two figures started merging from the mist walking towards, he began noticing the figures as they became clearer to him.

"M-Mom...Father.?" He called out softly with a tremble in his voice.

"Welcome home, Itachi." Mikoto said with a warm smile, holding out her arms.

Without hesitation, he ran right into both of his parents arms as he began crying and apologizing over and over again, "I-I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm so so sorry! Please forgive me! I'm so sorry Mama...Father...I'm sorry.."

"Itachi sweetie, you needn't worry...all is forgiven, it will never be your fault.." Mikoto reassured petting Itachi's head.

"Y..You don't hate me..?" Itachi asked looking up from his Mother's chest.

"Humph! As if I could hate my own son, stop being so foolish. None of this is your fault." Fugaku spoke bluntly as he stood back up and crossed his arms.

"It's good to know...Father hasn't changed.." Itachi laughed a bit.

"There is another thing that hasn't changed, baby.."

"What do you mean, Mother?"

With her lovely smile she moved aside revealing a curly-haired male with onyx eyes right where they should belong, it was Shisui.

"Yo! How's it going, Itachi?" Shisui waved with his charming smile.

The younger Uchiha's eyes widened as more tears rolled down from them, he quickly stood up and walked towards Shisui. They stared at each other for a moment before Itachi leaned his head on Shisui's chest;

"I..I've been waiting for this moment...for so long, my love..." Itachi whispered softly.

"Then wait no more.." Shisui said grabbing Itachi's face into his hands.

The setting was perfect too now, there was golden flower petals falling down from up above as the light grew even brighter to look just like how Itachi imagined for their wedding that they wished for long ago. And with that, Shisui pulled the younger one into a kiss, Mikoto squealed with excitement as she wrapped around Fugaku's arm, the stubborn guy just grunted with his eyes closed.

"Aw...honey, don't be so unaffectionate..I know you're happy for them." The lovely Mother hummed before kissing her husband on the cheek causing him to blush a bit.

"Hey Itachi, the clan is here too...I explained everything to them so don't worry but, come with me!" Shisui said pulled Itachi.

The younger one pulled away then asked, "Where are we going..?"

"You do wanna watch over Sasuke, right?"


"You'll meet your other associates after but for now...." Shisui started off holding out his hand and said:

Without any hesitation, Itachi smiled with tears rolling down and placed his smaller hand into the older ones and spoke, "Yeah

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Without any hesitation, Itachi smiled with tears rolling down and placed his smaller hand into the older ones and spoke, "Yeah..I'd love that.."

They both looked at each other with happy faces and little did they know, they thought the same thing, 'Death isn't so bad because, I'm here with the person I love..'

The end...

(Hope you enjoyed this mini thing, I've been had this I just never really put it to good use but, here...I hope I didn't make anyone cry)

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