|| thinking out loud ||

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Akaza's POV:

Another pillar goes down, another praise from my Lord, days pass, weeks, years. Nothing changes. Every day I look at starry night, asking myself what have I become. Every time I think of killing myself, but something prevents me, no, not him. I can't actually pinpoint it, whatever, I hope it goes away. I look around, seeing endless chambers and corridors of Infinite Fortress, demon headquarters.

As I walk trough the corridors, I encounter some low ranked demons and they bow at my presence. I nod and they scurried away in a blink of an eye, am I that scary or does the rank engraved on my eyes scare them? I huff in annoyance and keep wandering trough the hallways until I was met with familiar long haired demoness. "Nakime-san...", I bowed a little to the biwa demon as she didn't really look at me, but a small smile crept on her face. Every time we meet, I try to tell her how pretty she is and that her eye doesn't matter. I hope she will listen to me one day and learn how to love herself...

"My my, Akaza-kun what are you doing here, shouldn't you be on a mission?" The voice of person behind me made my blood boil as an irk mark appeared on my face. "Yes, I just finished earlier than expected..., Douma." I turned around to face the irritating, rainbow eyed demon. Every time I come back, he always welcomes me. This time he must have been surprised cause I should have come 2 days later from now. "Oh, well that's good! You know I wouldn't like to loose my friend~!" He comes closer and bubs my cheeks. I slapped his hands away and looked at anything that wasn't his face. "You aren't my friend" I stated, enraged. "Oh- best friend then it is~♡" Douma clapped his hands happily as steam started coming out of my head. "Goodbye." I jumped and exited the fortress as I gave Nakime the sign for her to strumm the strings on her instrument.

3rd person POV:

Douma pouted childishly and started to walk towards Nakime. "Don't .... you dare"  Dark aura behind Douma made him sweatdrop as he chuckled at tall black/red-haired demon with three pairs or eyes glaring daggers at him. "Okay okay! Geez I didn't plan to harass her or anything... " Douma fans himself and started walking away, humming some melody to himself.

"How long do you think he will hold out?" Kokushibo turned to Nakime who hummed in response. "Day, two at the most" She put her arm on her chin as she revealed her beautiful eye. "Better don't try to sleep next few days, you might get disturbed..." She then looked back at her biwa and took hold of it again. Kokushibo didn't say anything and walked away, nobody actually sensed Muzan facepalm from around the corner.

Akaza's POV:

Starry night above me made me see everything as clear as day, I easily dodged branches as I thought of a certain blonde. I want to run away right now, I might just do it, but something besides him pulls me back. I am not afraid of death, especially by his hand, but there is this one other feeling besides anger when I see Douma, it's warm, kind of... comfortable, not gonna lie.

I sat on a tree and looked at the stars, they seemed so little, but some of them are even bigger than this planet. Town in the distance...,it's buildings and various shining lanters of all colors and shapes...

Small smile appeared on my face, his eyes are prettier though- I quickly slapped myself, dumbfounded of what I just said. "Haaah?! Akaza what is wrong with you, I can't like him... " My face reddens as I put my arms over it, "aaggghh we are exact opposites how can a person like me a person like him, he is a pervert, masochist, BDSM freak and I don't know what else!" I yelled at myself as my face became hotter. I hit my face in a tree again and again, but the feeling didn't stop. "... Okay, I guess we can't help it, I will just ignore him from now on" I said to myself and started walking back to the fortress.

Douma's POV:

Woman's head rolled down the floor in the dark room as I sliced her neck in few milliseconds, "Thank you for the meal!" I cheered as I grabbed her now detached arm and bit off one of her fingers. "I am still wondering- *chew* how could Akaza-kun not eat this beautiful meat, it's soooo~ soft-" My hand glided trough woman's skin, "so delicate, like yours. " I licked my lips and took another bite of an arm. "Ahh- Akaza-kun... How long, how long are you going to hold back-" I wondered. "Or do I need to make the move?" I frowned, "I have waited for long time, I feel lonely~" I pouted and finished my meal thinking about certain pinkette.


To be continued-

Words: 792

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