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      “ Well then, let's continue where we left off” Fred announced. Straight to the lakeside. The guys always came here with a plan. First they'd meet up at the gate and take a picture,done .Next , they'd explore the forest and also take some more pictures. After that they'd do their daily ForestChallenge videos. Last time, Mr. Kings crushed their fun and sent them out of the woods.
          To the boys ,the woods were like a VIP playground. A place limited to them and anyone else as stupid as them to venture there, despite the rumours and warnings. I've got to admit it the woods were fun and extraordinary as they were spooky.
          Today's ForestChallenge proposed by Chuck was a vine swinging contest. We walked over to some trees by the forest lake, Chuck said the vines there were much stronger. “Hmm... looks like the rope-climbing practice at the gymnasium is finally going to pay off”,Chuck bragged.
            Chuck was a really tough guy he usually liked to work out a lot and trained very hard. He was a great soccer player, scoring a lot of goals for the school last year in the inter-schools game. Chuck climbed up a torn down tree to the highest point, where the trunk leaned against the stump, yanking on a vine to test it's strength. “Erhh, guys I think I'll have to bail out on this one”. It looked kinda fun, a risk I'd happily take on but we were already deep in the forest and once someone got hurt it would take a long time to find help. “Yeah, me too I haven't really done this before, looks too risky”, Fred also bailed out. “Ha,... ”Brian uttered, “...how hard can it be”, as he climbed the timber over to where Chuck stood. “ Well suit yourselves ”, Chuck said to us both.
“Hey Brian, since it's just the two of us why not have a race instead”.
“Cool, first one to the edge of the lake...”
“Hey guys, isn't that too dangerous”
“No it isn't, it's not that far from here to there”, he gestured towards the lakeside,“plus there's loads of strong vines hanging down to grab and swing. So you two go over to the lake's edge”. Fred looked over to Brian “You do know it's going to be an easy win for him”. “Who cares I'm just doing it for the fun”.


          I began videoing once we got there. ...Get set...” Brian yelled over to the other two. Chuck was wrong, it was a long distance.
I didn't have a good feeling about this... .“Swing ... away” Brian screamed out, with both hands cupped around his mouth.
... not one bit ,I thought.
          Chuck had a thunderous start, swinging between the first, second and third vines as if he'd been raised in the wild. Meanwhile, Fred was trying to find the right amount of thrust he needed to swing across the vines ahead of him. Finally finding his footing, off he went much more feebly with Chuck just a few vines in front of him.
          Dude I need to pee”, I gestured behind me.“Cool... but why not go right here”“Duudde....” I gave him a deadpanned look. “Okay, okay...”. As I walked around the lake on my way to the other side, I noticed the lake was glimmering very brightly .I looked up and saw that the clouds were still blocking out the sun's light.
            I turned around, Brian, Chuck and Fred were too focused on the race to see what was going on. As I gazed back at the lake, I noticed that the lake shone very brightly at certain time intervals. It was strange and also mesmerising. “Hey Jace, are you thinking of doing it in the lake?”, he chuckled. “What..no...gross”, finally snapped out of it.
       I went into the woods, only to find Mr. Kings .It looked like he was searching for something...or someone.... maybe us.

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