Chapter 4

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Clarke woke up hungover on Sunday in her new apartment slightly confused as to where she was.

She also woke up to a few missed texts from Lexa.

They all had a great time and stayed at the bar too late. What was supposed to be a quick destination run for Lexa and Anya with a one beer reward turned into way too many laughs. Clarke, Raven and Octavia busted out a choreographed dance from a junior high talent show that they could only remember half of, and Lincoln proved that he could do pushups with Octavia sitting on his back. They monopolized the jukebox and had more fun than any of them had had in too long.

Clarke's attention was dominated by Raven and Octavia, and for good reason. She managed to catch a few laughs with Lexa and learned that she was perpetually training for various races with Anya, was an early bird, was a corporate executive, and was way too shy and insecure for how lovely she was.

Clarke sat up and rubbed her eyes before checking the messages. They were mostly administrative and she wasn't surprised. Her flight itinerary, details for their get together later in the week, one too many sentences that had both 'thank you' and 'I'm sorry' in them.

Lexa needed to relax, and she was a little reserved, as advertised.

She was pretty cute, though.

'Despite all of the less conventional parts, it has been really nice meeting you. Welcome back to the west coast. Let me know if you need anything as you get settled,' was the last text of the bunch.

"Well, Coffee Pot," Clarke said aloud as she dragged herself off of the mattress on the floor towards the counter. "She sure is polite."

What began as innocent questions about the venue and what type of clothes Clarke should pack soon evolved into friendly conversation. Constant friendly conversation. Around the clock friendly conversation. Clarke unpacked her apartment over the next few days, actually bought some groceries and tried to establish some sort of routine.

All throughout, she and Lexa shot the breeze via text. It was so constant and so natural that she didn't notice that she started to look forward to each and every reply. Lexa sent her a selfie while she was out on a jog.

Clarke ignored the warning sign of a huge, involuntary smile when she laid eyes on Lexa's sweaty grin.

Lexa went back to work Monday morning and facepalmed at the email from Anya with a list over a page long of all of the character traits she had given Lexa's imaginary better half, and to whom. As her phone lit up over and over with work, Lexa found herself increasingly disappointed when the notifications weren't from Clarke.

"Hey," Anya let herself into Lexa's office at the end of the day on Wednesday.

"I regret giving you that key almost every time you use it," Lexa flicked her eyes up from her computer.

"Nice to see you too, Best Friend," Anya scowled, invited herself in, then dropped into one of the chairs across from Lexa.

"Please, come right in. I'm not busy at all," Lexa sighed. She was so, so busy, and she needed to get going to pick Clarke up in an hour for their organizational date.

"I just came in here to tell you that you look nice today. This was my first chance, but I saw you a few times going into the conference room and I wanted to pop in. I like what you've got going on with your hair and I haven't seen you wear that suit in a while," Anya sighed. Lexa looked over the top of her computer screen with pause.

"That cannot be all you came in here for," Lexa said flatly after a few beats of consideration.

"I'm serious!" Anya yelped. "You look good today. That's it," she sighed and lifted herself out of the chair. "I know you're mad about the whole thing, but outside of that, I still love you and I still want to hang out. You wanna grab a drink when you're done?" Anya asked genuinely.

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