Fuck that, lets fast forward a bit .

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My life is like a LMN movie full of twists . I done been in so much drama its pathetic and its not even cause if me , its because if who I hang around . Have yo mama ever told you this person aint no good for you ? Well next time she tell you that just believe her cause you do  not wanna learn the hard way . So a few months ago I ran away from home . "Georgia why'd you run away ?" Man shut the fuck up . Ion wanna hear allat shit . Just know shit got crazy and I decided to leave . But I been in Columbia since January 26. 2014 . How do I know that date oh so well ? Because that same day , I left my first love, my bestfriends & a whole nother personality in Georgia . Lets go back a lil , from the day I ran away . 


Okay so that day my grandma been tripping . She woke me up talm bout some "You going to church with me ?" Hell no , not with no attitude like that . "No ma'am." "Yes the fuck you are , you aint finna sit yo black ass in my house all day. Getcho ass up and get ready." Man first off, how you cursing on a early sunday morning ? Then you get mad cause ion wanna go with you . Then you force me too . I can see where this day going and it aint towards the good God himself . So I got up, took a shower, picked out something to wear , did some shit to my hair . While doing allat I wanted to listen to some music, so I cut on my radio and blasted 103.6 yall know "The Rickey Smiley Morning Show" and my song came on . Yall know that song with Rick Ross and Drake and Lil Wayne ..... oh Pop That .. thats the name of it . Satan wanted me to get up and throw that ass in a circle a few times but the good Lort was by my side , so therefore I didn't . As Im about to put on my clothes , this bitch busting through my door lkike the god damn piloce and shit . "Cut that shit off. Thats yo problem now you need some gospel in yo life." Well you need some dick in yo life , but you dont hear me complaining. "And where you think you going with them clothes on ?" "Aint nothing wrong with my outfit. Its just jeans and a shirt and some addidas. They say come as you are." "Go put on a dress." "Them dresses to little for me." "Oh the fuck well." "I'll put on something else, but im not puttting on no dress." Tell me why that bitch had the nerve to catch an attitude and slam my fucking door ? Dont be mad cause ion wanna look like im a little girl . Bitch im 13 not 3 . So I went in the closet .. and Got me a black shirt with my Olive Green & Black striped pants and my knee-high boots . By the time I got done redressing she was getting ready to go . I grabbed my coat and headed out . I got in the front seat, she talm bout some "Uhuh get in the back , you like falling asleep and that make me sleepy." Bitch whet ? My ass is not getting in no back seat . You get in the back and I'll drive but ian sitting in no backseat . Im too old for that .

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