28: Fateful Conclusions

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The event that merely happened a week ago felt so far away, like a million years had passed with how long Jaehyun had been sleeping. Life went on, as it always did, and Taeyong chose to continue with his maid duties despite insistence from Sangyeong that he didn't need to - It was true, he and his family were being fed and taken well care of, but he wanted to despite all that because he needed some sense of normalcy in his life, he needed something to keep his mind and body busy. It wasn't normal though, it couldn't ever be without Prince Jaehyun by his side, but it was something.

Taeyong had been assigned to cater to Prince Mark Lee from the day he arrived. Their meeting was tense because Taeyong knew and Mark knew, and they both were aware of what each other had now come to know. Prince Mark had been looking at him with almost sad eyes, apologetic even, and it caught Taeyong off guard every time he encountered it, causing him to be unsettled. Every time he looked at Prince Mark's regretful eyes, all he could see was the vicious ones King Lee that had caused him and his family so much pain. That was why, even now, Taeyong avoided his gaze.

"What next? Is there anyone who I must meet?" Prince Mark sighed, and it was weighted, tired, and despondent.

He, like everyone else in the Godforsaken palace, could feel that the air around them had shifted - it was darker now, brooding, an accumulation of what everyone in the palace was feeling upon hearing about Prince Jaehyun's state. Looking at Prince Mark told Taeyong instantly that the man was innocent, but that didn't matter, he and the rest of his family line would have to pay for the sins of his father. King Lee hadn't even come, sending his son in his stead in fear of assassination.

Taeyong wished they had trained him in that aspect because the pain in his heart was enough to kill a King.

"You have some spare time until the evening but Prince Johnny wants to see you," Taeyong told Prince Mark politely.

Mark nodded and Taeyong gestured a hand to show him the way. Donghyuck and Johnny were waiting for them in a small communal room with Donghyuck sat in Johnny's lap. As soon as the door opened, Donghyuck shot up, escaping from the other Prince's arms and running over with a squeal to Mark. He threw his arms around his cousin and Taeyong stood behind the display, shifting from foot to foot semi awkwardly.

"It's good to see you too, Hyuckie." Mark laughed after Donghyuck finally pulled away, but even then, it seemed strained. Donghyuck must have noticed it too because he pursed his lips at his cousin and crossed his arms. Mark scratched the back of his head and Taeyong could tell Donghyuck was silently reading him like he did with everybody. He was probably successful with it too because he let up, uncrossing his arms and relaxing his posture, not pushing the undisclosed topic any further.

"Come," Donghyuck said then looked past Mark, "both of you."

Taeyong nodded, not in the mood to talk - He hadn't been for awhile, too physically drained and mentally exhausted to be willing to converse. Donghyuck sat back down in Prince Johnny's arms which earned him a stern look from Mark and in return, Mark earned a hard glare from his cousin. Johnny, on the other hand, watched the exchange in amusement. Mark sat down on the seat across them and Taeyong followed, although leaving some space between them.

"Any updates on Sir Doyoung and Haein?" Mark jumped straight into it, not exactly in the mood to play skirt around the topic at hand. Some vague part in Taeyong hoped Mark felt guilty, as unfair as it was, but Taeyong was nothing if not bitter. The larger part of him, though, hoped that Mark wouldn't have to carry the heavy burden of what had happened on his shoulders alone.

"Sir Doyoung has not been found yet," Johnny was the first to answer. "The guards have been searching area but it's as if... as if he just disappeared," Johnny said with a laugh, but it was clear that it was forced.

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