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What a world, I would say. L'Manburg has been gone for almost five years now. The anniversary of Schlatt taking over and Wilbur and Tommy getting kicked always makes everyone sad. Mostly because Wil and Tommy are sad. Most of us weren't there for the taking over in the Presidential Election.

We all came after. About a year after, to be exact. We came during the War. A war that would be in the books.

I decided to join Wilbur after I saw the destruction Schlatt was causing. Not only to the nation of "Manburg" but also to the souls and hearts of the people. The people were tired and sad. Even what he was doing to our spies.

Our one spy, Tubbo, was always so sad and no one could figure out why until one of our people saw Schlatt make Tubbo do some pretty horrid things. Those things are not to be mentioned ever again, for the sake of Tubbo himself.

We had to take poor Tubbo off the spy team for a month or two so he could just rest. Not surprisingly Schlatt questioned where Tubbo was. One of our other spies just told him Tubbo was sick and didn't want to be disturbed. Which was technically the truth. His head was sick.

That was years ago. Now, in this day, Tubbo still has nightmares but he's better. He is back to his spy work helping us try to conquer the beast Schlatt.

To be honest, everyone has gotten stronger since the days of tyranny. Sure we are still tormented and abused most of the time, but we make it work. We've learned to fight back and take a stand for what we want and deserve.

Wilbur has village meetings every once in a while to encourage everyone to fight for our place in this world. Plus, him and m'lady Nikki make everyone desserts and they, let me tell you, are delicious.

I lived in a small room connected to Wil and Nikki's home. This was mainly because I was "too young" to have my own house. But, I am only one year younger than Tommy and he has his own place. So maybe I'll be able to move out on my birthday next year.

I worked as a secret guard for Lord Wil because he was constantly under attack by people from Schlatt's stupid followers. No one would expect a "young" girl as a guard, but I could probably kick all of their butts before they even got to count to three.

I've been training since I was six and I'm almost twenty now. The looks on peoples faces when some buff guy gets the crap beat out of them by a girl is totally worth it.

I could see Wil through my window as he walked down the road. Technically he wasn't allowed to leave my sight, but every once in a while I "disappear" so he can have some alone time. Especially on this day. The day before the five year anniversary of us, losing L'manburg.


Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed! I just thought it would be cool to write a story about what happens after and put it the way I would think it would be cool to see it!

Again, this isn't what will actually happen on the SMP, it's just my imagination :)

-K <3

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