Finding Him

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Everyone filed into Lord Wilbur and Niki's house. We all sat in the living room looking around at each other. It was a miracle that Tubbo was alive and not in Schlatt's custody.

"Tubbo," Niki said, bringing him a cup of warm tea. "I'm glad you're alright." He nodded as he accepted the tea. I couldn't tell if he was still shaken up from what just happened, or he didn't like the tea, but his eyebrows furrowed as he took a sip. "We all are." Said Dream from the corner.

It had been a while since Dream decided he was going to help us in keeping our little town safe, and some people still don't trust him. I understand their reasoning, he almost killed Tommy and such. I trust him though. He seems honest.

I looked around and then met Tommy's gaze. He motioned for me to meet him outside. I nodded and we both stood and walked out of the room.

When we got outside we just stood there for a while. Staring into the abyss. The abyss that was our home. A home that felt empty without the Lord Wilbur. "I called you out here because we need to talk." I looked at him and raised an eyebrow. "Bout what." It was less of a question and more of a 'stop wasting my time, we need to find Wilbur' statement.

"We have to tell them Wilbur is missing." I stood from my leaning position against the house. "Are you daft? People will go crazy with worry. Plus, they'll try to help us find him." I said, walking over to the railing. "Is that a bad thing?" Tommy's tine caught me off guard. For once it was soft. Soft and serious.

"Yes. They will just get in our way. They'll ask questions and they'll want to know what's happening all the time." I place my arms on the railing in front of me. "They will put their noses where they shouldn't be. Places that could get them in trouble, or even killed."

I could feel Tommy shift his weight against the railing. He was looking at me, but I refused to look back. Somehow he always got what he wanted when talking to me and I wasn't going to let it happen this time. I wasn't going to put everyone's life in danger just to find one man. Even if that man was Lord Wilbur.

"We can tell Tubbo and Niki. But no one, and I mean it Tommy, no one else will know." I could see him nod in my peripheral vision.

"As long as we get some help. We can't do this by ourselves. That's just asking for disaster." I couldn't believe who I was talking to just then. Never in my life had I seen Tommy so serious and worried. No even when Tubbo was in danger. "I know, I know." I backed away from the railing and stretched. "We should go back in. They might get all suspicious."

As we walked back in people were rushing around and moving things. "What... What's going on?" I asked, looking around at all the people picking things up and scurrying around. "It's Wil..." Niki says, putting down a pile of stuff. "He's gone and no one knows where he is." I glanced quickly at Tommy. "He's probably just walking around town, Niki." Tommy walked over to the fire that was flickering recklessly in the stone fireplace. "You know what day tomorrow is and how he always sulks around for a few days."

Everyone looked at Tommy and I with questioning eyes. "I'll make you a deal." I said, walking to Tubbo. "Tommy, Tubbo, and I will go look for the Lord Wilbur while you guys make dinner for him when we get back."

There were murmurs around the room. People nodding and others looking worried. "Ok M'Lady?" I ask, putting my hands behind my back motioning for Tubbo to get Tommy and leave.

I watched Tubbo move around me, grab Tommy and walk out the front door. "Don't worry M'lady. We'll find him." I smiled. A smile that showed no mention of us looking for Lord Wilbur for hours earlier. It gave no mention of how I was so afraid of what was happening and how I was worried we wouldn't find him. It showed nothing but hope.

"Thank you Kai. Dinner will be at six." I nodded and left the house. I walked out onto the porch where both boys sat, waiting for me.

"You boys ready?" They nodded, and we set off. Off to find the one person, who kept this place from falling apart.


Sorry today's chapter was kind of short :( It'll be longer next time, i promise! 

-Ky <3

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2020 ⏰

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