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"Just me and you!? Are you insane!?" I stared at him in horror. "What happens if we find Wilbur and he needs help!?"

Tommy walked over to his fireplace and put out the fire. "If that does happen then one, we head back here and get help. Two, it's Lord Wilbur to you, and you know that." I could feel my face flush red. I didn't even notice I called him by only his first name. "I'm sorry, I'm just-" I sighed, rubbing my arm. "I'm just scared. If anything happens to him it's my fault."

I could feel his eyes on me as I stared at the wooden floor. "We'll find him. I know we will."

The soft pitter patter of rain drops starting to hit the window was the only thing that could be heard. We were both scared, terrified, and wondering if what Tommy said was actually true. "Come on. Let's go find our Lord." Tommy said, slipping his shoes on.

We walked out of the house. I could feel the tension in the air. Everything knew something was wrong. The wind was restless and the skies were gray and gloomy. All I could do was sigh and promise myself I would find him. "Hey. Tommy?" His blue eyes flickered up to look at mine. "Yeah?" "What happens if... Schlatt has him?"

I watched as the gears turned behind Tommy's eyes. "Then we get help."

We started walking down the street, my heart pounding in my ears because of all the adrenaline rushing through my veins. I looked in every possible spot I could, even in spots he couldn't be.

"We have to go to Manburg." Tommy said, slowing to a stop near the park's bench. "Are you sure we've looked everywhere. What if we went to the library again and look-" Tommy slapped his hand over my mouth. "Shh." I followed his gaze to see two people hiding behind a tree, looking at something.

Tommy and I got closer and as we did we could see almost perfectly what they were looking at. Tubbo was tied up in the middle of the town square with Schlatt standing over him. "Tu-" I smacked Tommy's arm. If we wanted any amount of surprise when attacking Schlatt, we needed to be as quiet as we could be.

"...That is why we are here!" I immediately turned my attention to Schlatt who was being a loud mouth, per usual.

"Give us Wilbur, and in return we let your dear Tubbo go." I snapped my head around to look at Tommy. Schlatt didn't have Wilbur. If Schlatt doesn't have Wilbur, then where is he!?

I watched as Niki and Techno stood there in anger. They couldn't do anything and neither could we. No one knew where Wilbur was and even if we did, we wouldn't hand him over to Schlatt. But Tubbo...

"I have to save him." Tommy whispered. I eyed him. He was going on a suicide mission. "How? He's surrounded by Schlatt and his goons." Tommy looked at me. "I need a distraction."

I stood there, wondering how he was going to make a scene, then realized, "You mean me. I'm the distraction?" He looked at me with pleading eyes. I knew Tubbo meant everything to him, even if he didn't show it all the time. "Fine. What do I do?"

Tommy told me what he wanted me to do and I stood there, shook. "Seriously? You're insane." He shook his head. "It's going to work. It has to." I sighed and got ready to run out into the square. I felt Tommy's hand on my shoulder as he whispered 'you got this' and I was off.

I took off into the town square, grabbing Schlatt's sword and rushing one of his stupid guards.

I pressed the sword to the guy's throat and pushed him to the ground. "Oh! Great!" Schlatt said, clapping slowly. He was mocking me. "Wilbur's saviour is here to save the day! Now Kai, tell us where he is." Schlatt's words were sharp and thick, trying to cut through me. "No." I said calmly, more to myself than him. I won't let him get to me.

I looked down at the grown man, who was now crying at my feet. I could hear Schlatt's footsteps get closer and louder. "Excuse me?"

I glanced up to see Tommy inching towards Tubbo. They were mouthing words at each other, so not to be heard. I had to keep Schlatt looking at me, but how?

"Leave." I said pressing the sword to the man's throat. "Leave or he dies Schlatt." I could see something flicker in Schlatt's eyes. It left as quickly as it came. "You wouldn't." He said, smirking. This was good. Everyone was looking at me and not Tubbo.

"Really? Wanna try me?" I asked, pulling the sword towards me. This only made Schlatt smile more. "Go ahead. Do it."

I looked past Schlatt to Tubbo and Tommy. Tommy grabbed Tubbos arm and had pulled him to his feet and was now cutting the ropes. "You are a cruel man Schlatt. Letting your guard face danger and not helping."

"I don't need to help. You won't do anything." I sighed and looked at Schlatt, dead in the eyes. "You're right." I watched the smile grow bigger. Jesus, his face is gonna break. "Because I don't need to." I dropped the man and sprinted towards Niki.

At this point Tubbo and Tommy were already half way down the road. I grabbed Niki's arm and followed them. I didn't even need to look back to know, Schlatt was pissed. And that. That made me happy.


Thanks for reading! <3


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